Hello All.
Plan for my garden next year was to turn the back of the garden which is waterlogged most of the year into a plantable space.
At the moment there is a pile of clay dug up from the giant shed the fence and a lot of weeds. The area is quite large.
I was originally going to build a brick wall but have instead decided to build a bottle wall where visible. If I can get the majority of the bottles for free this will drastically reduce costs.
Has anyone got any experience of building this sort of thing? I'm guessing as the area is quite wet I will have to set up some sort of foundations, also in all the guides I have read their wall would be accessed from both sides so the bottles have been cut, as one of my sides would be full of earth I'm hoping I won't need to do this.
I will be doing a drawing of my idea and on one of the dryer days going outside to measure the area.
Any tips, ideas or links welcome.
Also anyone in the Bucks/MK area who either drink a lot of wine/beer or have lots of old coloured vases wanting to donate them to me let me know
Plan for my garden next year was to turn the back of the garden which is waterlogged most of the year into a plantable space.
At the moment there is a pile of clay dug up from the giant shed the fence and a lot of weeds. The area is quite large.
I was originally going to build a brick wall but have instead decided to build a bottle wall where visible. If I can get the majority of the bottles for free this will drastically reduce costs.
Has anyone got any experience of building this sort of thing? I'm guessing as the area is quite wet I will have to set up some sort of foundations, also in all the guides I have read their wall would be accessed from both sides so the bottles have been cut, as one of my sides would be full of earth I'm hoping I won't need to do this.
I will be doing a drawing of my idea and on one of the dryer days going outside to measure the area.
Any tips, ideas or links welcome.
Also anyone in the Bucks/MK area who either drink a lot of wine/beer or have lots of old coloured vases wanting to donate them to me let me know
