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Home Made Grow Lights


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  • I have never used grow-lights, but having read this thread I am becoming intrigued!

    So I picked this up from work today

    A rechargeable lighting source used for camping n caravanning, and it has T8 tubes

    Sure BM posted T8 is as near to natural daylight as you can get! I have an idea!
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    "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


    • I'm setting up a deep water culture tub and will have it in my extra bathroom until spring. Given this I needed to create a little lighting system. I'm waiting for one more piece but here's what I'm using.

      2 pieces of pvc pipe (different sizes so they telscope)
      a light bulb adapter and splitter.
      2 100w cfl bulbs

      I hope to build it into the water culture tote tomorrow. Just waiting on the new drill bit from Amazon. I'll take a picture once done.
      Wish me luck.
      Last edited by chriswimmer; 03-02-2014, 10:33 PM. Reason: typo
      My humble hydroponic blog.


      • Will look forward to that Chris we have very little regarding hydroponics/aquaponics here so if you have time to do a thread & show us as the project progresses & what you grow that would be great
        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


        • Originally posted by Kristen View Post
          For fluorescents the top of the seedlings needs to be 2" from the tubes

          If you put them under Metal Halide it will probably be about 24" - the nearest distance that if you hold the back of your hand to the light (and leave it there 30 seconds) you feel only slight heat. Otherwise the plants will cook!

          When I move my plants out to the conservatory (when there is enough daytime heat that I only have to heat it occasionally) I move the lights in there two, and have them on from dusk until midnight to increase the amount of growth I get. Might not work for you though if you are getting your aquarium lights to do double-duty. You might also have to think about what to do when the plants are too tall to fit under the aquarium lights - if that is before they can go into your greenhouse. Tomatoes need the temperatures to be no lower than 10C (e.g. Minimum overnight) otherwise they will "stall" and even if they don't die they will take a significant amount of time to get going again. Best to sow a bit later if you cannot maintain temperature and light I'm afraid.
          Hi Kristen, thanks for your feedback. I have around another couple of weeks at a push before the toms will outgrow the aquarium, so I will probably move them into a lean to we have on the house with a halide and heater + heated prop. They are destined for the greenhouse, once its been finished!


          • Originally posted by chopper_j View Post
            I will probably move them into a lean to we have on the house with a halide and heater + heated prop.
            The halide will generate a fair bit of heat - you might not need the heater as well? particularly if you use the lamp overnight (when it is colder). I put a small plastic "greenhouse" inside my (unheated) conservatory, and my Metal Halide lamp in that, and it stays toasty warm

            Or perhaps use the lamp in a garage or similar, and insulate a space for the lamp and plants? It can sometimes he easier to start with an insulated / warm room and provide light, rather than start with a greenhouse and try to make it warm! Particularly if we have a spring like 2013 - when the light levels were very poor, supplemental lighting can make a big difference in such poor light seasons.
            K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


            • Hi, thanks

              I think I will probably move the toms into the cellar with the MH which is a lot warmer than the lean to. What type of photo period would you recommend for the toms? The chillies, peppers and aubergines look quite happy in the aquarium for now


              • The more you give them the more they will grow I grew some Cannas from seed one Autumn under 18 hours per day of Metal Halide and they flowers after 8 weeks - just in time for XMas!

                I'm not sure if they need a period of dark as I've read conflicting reports (that there are chemical processes that occur during the dark, and when photosynthesis has stopped), you may also have a problem with a crop such as Onions where the "bulb formation" is triggered by changes in day length, but other than that I would suggest that 18 hours is probably a sensible maximum, other than that its down to electricity cost, and how soon you can plant them out - Tomato plants started now, and given plenty of light, are going to be getting on for shoulder high?? by mid May ... if that's too tall give them 12 hours of light (or re-sow them in a few weeks time )
                K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


                • Having been intrigued also by this thread, I am wondering if it could be done with the attached.
                  I am thinking a couple of these for the small lean-to greenhouse, light fitting about �3 and the bulb must be fluorescent?

                  Your thoughts welcome please.

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                  • Have used similar for a light box I have built , the bulbs are bright natural daylight low energy ones rated 30watt equivalent to 150 watt with a 6500kelvin output. Have not put anything into the box yet as have only started seeds off so cannot comment on how effective they will be

                    Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


                    • Thanks Brian

                      I am at the same stage with seeds, although rather than a light box its to provide extra light in the greenhouse to bring on the chillies, peppers and tomatoes. I have seen on a chilli site similar set ups to what you suggest, I think I purchase a cuople of clips and bulbs and see how it goes.



                      • Jim
                        Not sure on how you intend to use them , another problem is you have not said if your greenhouse is heated or not.
                        Someone has said in here that you need to be able to maintain at least a 10* overnight temp or toms could bite the dust.
                        I am far from being any expert as am new to gardening in general , but thought I would give this a try but also sow some at the traditional times as a back up

                        Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


                        • Originally posted by bearded bloke View Post
                          Will look forward to that Chris we have very little regarding hydroponics/aquaponics here so if you have time to do a thread & show us as the project progresses & what you grow that would be great
                          Definitely and thanks for the encouragement. I don't think I would have started a thread of my own since I'm new I built it yesterday and am waiting for some signs of life to sprout! But to stay on topic here's my little DIY lighting system. Still debating if and what type of reflector to put on top. I welcome thoughts.

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                          My humble hydroponic blog.


                          • Greenhouse Grow light

                            Ive rigged up a grow light for my greenhouse.
                            While the greenhouse itself is not heated, the light is over a heated bed.

                            With the additional of a small polly tunnel the temperature has never been lower than 12 degrees raises to around 22 during the day.

                            Im going to add an additional 4ft light this weekend.
                            The light is going on at 5am and off at 8pm, with it also going off during the day.
                            At the moment the bed contains lots of chillies, lettuce and tomatoes.
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                            • Good set up but you definately need an extra light, you can see the outer plants arent getting full light.How is the bed heated?
                              photo album of my garden in my profile


                              • Using ground heating cable and a thermometer to turn it off if it ever gets that hot.

                                Whole lot cost about �50, while the propergator I wanted was �150.

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