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Salad bar! (Raised bed/container on legs!)


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  • Salad bar! (Raised bed/container on legs!)

    I'm thinking of trying to make a raised bed/container on legs to go in the garden to grow salad in... lettuce leaves, spring onions & radishes.

    I'm thinking 4ft or 5ft long, 2 ft wide, about 8" deep and about 3ft tall.

    I'm wondering about drainage? Most of the similar things I've seen online don't have any drainage holes at all but I'm wondering if it would be best to drill holes in the bottom of the base and pop some landscaping fabric in the bottom so water can drain out but the soil stays in?

  • #2
    Yes, we do this at schools but we use varying levels of pallet. Including vertical ones.

    Just line with weed fabric. Dead cheap and so simple.


    • #3
      This is a Tomato Grow-bag planter I knocked up from old pallet wood - perhaps something along these lines would be suitable.

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      • #4
        Just had an idea that is nothing remotely like what you want
        I have an old plastic garden table with a hole in the centre for an umbrella. If I make a frame for the top and just sit it on there, I can fill it with soil - and have one, almost instant raised bed


        • #5
          will try and post a picture of mine,looks like i have! mine has drilled drainage holes and gravel in the base,guttering fixed to the sides is usefull for growing salad crops such as lettuce,cress and radish.Carrots grown under mesh cover produced very good quality chantany red cored.
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          Last edited by scarletrunner; 13-01-2013, 05:59 PM.


          • #6
            I got one of these last year at Edible Garden Show Growstation | Higrow | Growing & Gardening Products
            certainly didnt pay anything like that price though!!!!
            Anyway its got slats and takes a standard grow bag its brilliant for salads, etc and I got ithe taller one so the chickens cant help sure you could put something very similar together for not a lot of money
            The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


            • #7
              Managed to knock up this space saver at little cost.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Originally posted by scarletrunner View Post
                [ATTACH=CONFIG]33237[/ATTACH] Managed to knock up this space saver at little cost.
                Brilliant !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vikkib View Post
                  I'm thinking of trying to make a raised bed/container on legs to go in the garden to grow salad in... lettuce leaves, spring onions & radishes.

                  I'm thinking 4ft or 5ft long, 2 ft wide, about 8" deep and about 3ft tall.

                  I'm wondering about drainage? Most of the similar things I've seen online don't have any drainage holes at all but I'm wondering if it would be best to drill holes in the bottom of the base and pop some landscaping fabric in the bottom so water can drain out but the soil stays in?
                  Yes you must have drainage unless of course your plants can swim. In that size of container I would suggest 6 to 8 22mm holes. I like to use redundant polystyrene packaging instead of gravel but thats only because I find it hard to find another use for it.

                  Potty by name Potty by nature.

                  By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                  We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                  Aesop 620BC-560BC



                  • #10
                    Try are all brilliant.....very impressed. And motivated to have a go......

                    Loving my allotment!


                    • #11
                      Thanks so much for the fantastic ideas and inspiration all!

                      I'm now thinking I'll use slats on the bottom to allow for plenty of drainage.

                      Now to charge the drill up and see when my more DIY oriented Dad has a spare Saturday!


                      • #12

                        A reposting of something already in the DIY section but worth mentioning again I think. Although I may be a little biased.

                        Designed as a strawberry planter but could easily be adapted for salad. If you weren't thinking pots then the wood could be built up to make boxes instead.
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