here i go again, another wacky idea sorry!im sure you all have a solution already but hey, 90% of people dont phone the emergency services in an emergency because they think someone else already has, ! ( i can see the link between the two
) i had some trouble a a while ago when my melons started growing/trailing everywhere with keeping them growing in the direction i wanted, as i had toms one side and sweetcorn the other side i wanted them to stay on their own patch, so i popped in a slate roofing clip and trained them where i wanted them to go, i tried doing this just by placing the stems where i wanted them but the next day they would be amongst the toms so they needed pinning in place, i managed to splay my melon plants out to look like little suns all nice, i have a pic of these clips and one in use , what do other people use to pin down trailers, i will put my pic on in a min, my phone has broke (my wife set it up and i dont know my password)