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Geotex membrane - where do you buy it?


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  • Geotex membrane - where do you buy it?

    Just wondered where you bought woven weed suppressing membrane and what you paid for it?

    I'm looking for 3.3m x 50m roll for 6m wide plots where a poly tunnel will be sited. I can then have just two long strips with an overlap.

    I've considered Terram but haven't quite established whether this is porous and suppliers don't seem to show prices. No response from their main agent either as I hoped to get a discount.


  • #2
    Have you looked on eBay? The company I used for mine about 10 years ago, Kays, no longer exist.


    • #3
      Terram is definitely porous. It is simply a heavier duty version of the weedmulch sheeting that is sold in every garden centre and B7Q in the land. As far as I can tell (having used it for many years while building paths, but never having had a hand in buying it) it is a synonym for Geotex, or vice versa. In the same way that Enviromesh and say Wondermesh are the "same" - white close weave netting.
      However, if by Geotex you mean the shiny black woven polypropylene with parallel red or blue lines on it, I would say - don't bother ! Unless you can heatseal the edges as you cut it in situ, you will end up with horrible ragged edges and frayed threads popping up all over the place. Any time you make a hole in it for planting through, it frays horribly. Terram is much better - not woven threads, more like one of those modern matt white medical dressing tapes, it easily cuts cleanly with scissors.
      Given that building companies probably buy it by the 100's of rolls, for landscaping around roads, municipal buildings and supermarkets, I would expect that your chances of getting a personal discount from the manufacturer or main dealer would be slim to non-existent. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
      My suggestion for getting it cheaply is to talk to local landscaping service companies, who may either have offcuts they are willing to sell - very much a favour to you, as they would use them - or be willing to sell you a roll at trade price plus a small mark up.
      You might try these folkies, they do lots of footpath work, might have Terram off-catalogue...
      The Conservation Volunteers Online Shop
      There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

      Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


      • #4
        Personally I prefer the woven plastic, the fabric's I have used simply degrade over 2-3 years, where my woven plastic is in its 4th year and the only weeds getting through are growing in the chippings on top. I have had no issues with frayed edges, though I can see how it could come about.


        • #5
          I used builders strength Terram ( Yes it is porous, used it for french drains along the side of roads) in my greenhouse, alright it has been down a good number of years but Mares/ Horses Tail still comes through it, also a bit of Binweed beginning to show now.



          • #6
            Why are you trying to stop weeds John, are you growing permanents in there, fruit bushes etc or is it for the paths?

            Personally I prefer cardboard as a weed suppressant, it degrades slower undercover, and takes a top mulch well. I have very little issue with weeds in my greenhouse mind as I only water pots in the ground not the whole surface.
            I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


            • #7
              Hello John,
              I have used QVS in the past for my weed fabric Weed Control Fabric | Great for driveways, polytunnels, gardens, lawns and patios. 100gsm . I found them to be very reasonably priced and it is working brilliantly for me. I agree with jonohanson the woven type is very durable and will last you much longer. Just had a look and they do the size you wanted too. Hope that helps.


              • #8
                The use for the membrane will be on a plot where I am to have a polytunnel at my allotments. It will ultimately be covered with bark chips.
                I needed the overlap as weeds quickly get through any gaps.
                QVS unfortunately only have 3m wide as seen on the link above so there will be no overlap.
                I have now bought the membrane, woven I'm afraid as I need it to last many years. Scotplantsdirect had what I needed (no discount to allotments though!) at a cost of �89.95 although delivery costs are always frustrating and so far they had the "best" price. It will be folded at the ends to avoid too much frayed edges showing and there will be a sufficient overlap.
                I notice that the quality of woven membrane has detiorated since I bought a full roll of 2m wide from N A Kays years ago. Then the weight was around 155gsm but now is a mere 105gsm and it shows in the handlimg and appearance. It also tears readily if not very careful and weeds force their way through with more ease.
                My thanks for all contributions.
                Last edited by john9159; 21-09-2013, 03:25 PM.


                • #9
                  Ah! I should have said. I had the same problem as I also needed an overlap! However I phoned QVS and their fabric was in fact 3.3M wide and they said they only advertised it as 3M for search engine purposes. I am glad you found someone to supply you in the end! But if you or anyone else needs more I can't recommend their weed fabric enough.


                  • #10
                    widths from 1 to 5 metres, woven, gets my recommendation.
                    "...Very dark, is the other side, very dark."

                    "Shut up, Yoda. Just eat your toast."


                    • #11
                      Brilliant! Thanks Ken. I found this thread on my search for weed fabric and decided to give QVS a try. I found the exact width I was looking for. Definitely worth the money for the quality woven fabric I received.
                      Thanks again


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