first of all Hello everyone i'm new to this forum been reading it for awhile though. Thought i would share a pic or two get some feed back on what you guys think. This is the base just the concrete blocks laid into a channel all level to take the Palram Harmony 10x6 greenhouse. The gaps in the blocks are there for a reason IE water pipe electricity i have filled them in now but can be removed if needed later
what you can't see is that i have also added 6 x 3 foot iron angle driven into each corner and into the middle drilled and screwed to the concrete blocks. The Palram greenhouse was interesting to put up but i've had No problems so far was bought for me as a present and to be honest i do like it. What do you think people ?
what you can't see is that i have also added 6 x 3 foot iron angle driven into each corner and into the middle drilled and screwed to the concrete blocks. The Palram greenhouse was interesting to put up but i've had No problems so far was bought for me as a present and to be honest i do like it. What do you think people ?