Back from my business travels and starting to build up the pots ready to put plants in...
People have said about making sure to put drainage holes in.
Do ALL pots need drainage holes or are some crops better in things without drainage holes?
And errr say you didn't have a drill how would u make them? Is there a best size for drainage holes? Better in big pots to have more than one hole? One bigger hole or lots of little ones?
I know I sound like a noob.... It's coz I am and don't want to mess up on such a tight budget
People have said about making sure to put drainage holes in.
Do ALL pots need drainage holes or are some crops better in things without drainage holes?
And errr say you didn't have a drill how would u make them? Is there a best size for drainage holes? Better in big pots to have more than one hole? One bigger hole or lots of little ones?
I know I sound like a noob.... It's coz I am and don't want to mess up on such a tight budget