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Dismantle a Glass Greenhouse


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  • Dismantle a Glass Greenhouse

    Hi as I have no clue thought I would ask on here. I have the opportunity of a 6 x 4 Glass greenhouse, the seller has put for the buyer to dismantle it and remove.

    While im waiting for his reply, just wondering what tools will I need to dismantle the greenhouse and whats the best method ?

    I will be transporting it by car, I can put my back seat down and not worried how many trips I may need to make but whats the best way to transport the glass?


    It has no door, what are my options and costs for a door?

    Help appreciated, Thanks Marie
    Last edited by Marie99; 06-04-2014, 02:30 PM.

  • #2
    Spanner to undo the nuts. If it is old many of the nuts may "wring off". Spares readily available, as are the glazing clips.

    Before you start undoing take loads of photographs from every angle, and up reasonably close so you can figure out how things were, and in particular the detail of any "joints", after the fact.

    Write on the joints that you take apart, with an indelible marker pen, a number (or similar) on each side of the join to make it easier to figure out what-does-where when you put it back together.

    You might also need a small step ladder; gloves to your fingers don't get cut to shreds!

    Might be worth asking the owner how long the longest piece is - probably the front-to-back rails at the floor, gutter and eaves. You might be able to get away with the sticking out of the tail gate a bit? Suggest you consider loading them first, so they are at the bottom of everything else - they might not fit in "last".

    Stand the glass up vertically in the car to bring it home (it will break if several sheets laid flat on top of each other). I had a wooden box that I stood the glass in - obviously it needs something to stop it moving very far.

    You need to construct a suitable base for it, before reconstruction. That might just be some paving slabs or similar; mine has a concrete foundation and a couple of courses of bricks. Either way, make 100% sure that it is "square and true" otherwise once you construct the frame you'll never get the glass in! Measure the diagonals and make sure they are identical

    If the original didn't have enough vents get some more - I think greenhouses sell with too few vents, as standard, so it is likely that the original owner only bought the "standard" number. Smaller greenhouses (up to, say, 10' x 8') are much more difficult to keep cool, in Summer, than larger ones. A louvre window, low down, makes it easier to get air flowing by convection which is much kinder / less stressful for the plants than having to throw the doors open to get a forced draught through the greenhouse to cool it. You may have to do that, mid Summer, anyway, but convection cooling in Spring will be better for the young plants if you can achieve it.
    K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


    • #3
      Just a thought, but if you can find someone with a large trailer (8x6 or a car transporter trailer - ask stock car guys in your area [Gateshead has loads of stock car/banger racer fans]) all you may need to do is take out the glass, free the frame from the base and carry the whole assembly as one piece onto the trailer. This supposes that you have easy access both at the sellers address and your own. A 6x4 aluminium greenhouse weighs next to nothing once the glass is out, it's an easy 2 person carry.

      This may be a better option than a dismantle/rebuild - certainly quicker.
      Last edited by george356; 06-04-2014, 03:19 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by george356 View Post
        Just a thought, but if you can find someone with a large trailer (8x6 or a car transporter trailer - ask stock car guys in your area
        A bike would do, wouldn't it?

        K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


        • #5
          If it was full of tomatoes it would be meals on wheels
          Its Grand to be Daft...


          • #6
            I have moved 5 greenhouses now. I agree the easiest way is to leave the frame intact and just remove the glass; moved 3 that way. Second best method remove the glass and break the greenhouse down into 6 panels and put it on a roof rack, moved 1 that way. The other greenhouse I completely stripped down (every last bolt). I didn't mark anything or take photos (over confidence) This would probably have been okay if the stripped down greenhouse (one trip in car) hadn't then sat in pieces in the shed for six months.

            Yes I got it back together eventually, (2 whole days) but it was a pain in the neck of a jigsaw puzzle so take everyone's advice and take lots of pics.

            My brother in law, and his rugby playing mates lifted a 6 x 4 into the back of a transit van, complete with glass, lifted it out and over a six foot wall and didn't break one pane of glass but I wouldn't recommend that method.

            Not sure about doors.

            All mine have been intact (apart from a few panes of glass, broken by me while dismantling)and most have included some staging. The most I have paid was �35. Two were free.


            • #7
              All that everyone else has said plus wear gloves - that glass can be sharp, especially if it should shatter.

              My second one was moved on the back of a small trailer broken down into ends, sides and roof x2.
              The cats' valet.


              • #8
                Oh, and a flat head screwdriver to remove the sping clips (if they are fitted)
                The cats' valet.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all your advice, its all taken on board, with some great tips. Just got to wait for the guy to get back to us as he left a message saying he would be in after 5 today but left no forwarding details, when we replied to get an address and contact number, he hasn't replied back yet! Wonder if hes given it to someone else


                  • #10
                    Good advice given, just one thing, if you decide to dismantle it pop round a few days before and spray all the nuts with wd40 if they are in anyway corroded.
                    photo album of my garden in my profile


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