Hi, I've just taken on my very first allotment. It's on a completely new site, and I'm trying to sort out a fence around my patch (there's rabbits in the next field). I have stakes and chickenwire to use, and trying to work out what to use on the bottom of the stakes to prevent them rotting.
My husband has some bitumen paint for his shed at home, I have ordinary shed paint for mine up there and was intending to use it on the posts as well. What we want to know is: would there be any problem treating the bottom of the stakes with the bitumen paint? Or are there any better alternatives? One place told me that scorching the wood to seal it is an option, but not sure what's best - I don't want rotted fence posts, but nor do I want to poison my plot with leaching chemicals.
Please help!
My husband has some bitumen paint for his shed at home, I have ordinary shed paint for mine up there and was intending to use it on the posts as well. What we want to know is: would there be any problem treating the bottom of the stakes with the bitumen paint? Or are there any better alternatives? One place told me that scorching the wood to seal it is an option, but not sure what's best - I don't want rotted fence posts, but nor do I want to poison my plot with leaching chemicals.
Please help!