I am in the lucky position of being about to move in (probably literally if Mrs K has anything to do with it!) to a new potting shed. I've been mulling over all the things it needs to house, and some time & motion for potting on etc.
I've been giving thought to the best layout for tools and equipment, and all the clobber I need. For example: just to pot-on I needs pots, of course, and labels - + marker pen - and split canes, and tying Gun and/or string, plus a bag of potting compost and some Perlite to mix with it, and a sieve - make that a pair of sieves 3/8th and 1/2 inch - and then the pot carrying trays to carry the newly potted on trays - and somewhere to park the trolley to wheel them to and from the greenhouse ... and if I fill in the detail on that the list gets worse! "Labels" includes plain white ones but also the ones, written on but reusable for same variety, from last year, plus I use coloured labels - so White + 4 colours, so I figure I need some sort of rack-compartment storage for all those bits & bobs.
Does anyone else have that much "stuff" for potting? and how do you organise it all?
Perhaps I should make a list of everything I need, and then work out best way of storing it all close-at-hand when working. I pot-up thousands of plants a year, so a good working layout will save me a considerable amount of time over the course of a year.
I saw some nice tool racks at Chelsea last year on Sneebore's stand

and I will need somewhere to store my wheelbarrow outside the shed door?
I've been giving thought to the best layout for tools and equipment, and all the clobber I need. For example: just to pot-on I needs pots, of course, and labels - + marker pen - and split canes, and tying Gun and/or string, plus a bag of potting compost and some Perlite to mix with it, and a sieve - make that a pair of sieves 3/8th and 1/2 inch - and then the pot carrying trays to carry the newly potted on trays - and somewhere to park the trolley to wheel them to and from the greenhouse ... and if I fill in the detail on that the list gets worse! "Labels" includes plain white ones but also the ones, written on but reusable for same variety, from last year, plus I use coloured labels - so White + 4 colours, so I figure I need some sort of rack-compartment storage for all those bits & bobs.
Does anyone else have that much "stuff" for potting? and how do you organise it all?
Perhaps I should make a list of everything I need, and then work out best way of storing it all close-at-hand when working. I pot-up thousands of plants a year, so a good working layout will save me a considerable amount of time over the course of a year.
I saw some nice tool racks at Chelsea last year on Sneebore's stand

and I will need somewhere to store my wheelbarrow outside the shed door?
