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Leave bare or cover?


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  • Leave bare or cover?

    Hi all

    I'm slowly getting rid of all te weeds and roots on my new plot. My question is when I have dedicated beds and paths do I cover the beds, and if so what with? It's heavy clay so many say to leave it to let the frost break up big clumps, but I don't want the rain to wash out all the nutrients from the bare soil.


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  • #2
    The rain doesn't generally wash nutrients away from heavy clay, its the composition of clay that binds things including the nutrients together. Its one of the advantages of clay soil (there aren't many!!)

    You are unlikely to get any further frosts now to break up the soil so it all depends on if you've got something to plant straight away. The best cover for bare soil is crops, so if you are in a position to plant it up then crack on. If not I'd cover it with black polythene after digging, this keeps the light out which the membranes don't always achieve.

    I leave some of my plot covered in late autumn after I've dug it over, this certainly minimises the weed growth and the winter frosts will make it easier to turn in the spring.

    You have my sympathy digging heavy clay, me and my back know just what thats like.
    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


    • #3
      Thanks nothing ready to plant out (wasn't expecting to get a plot so quick so everything is in my garden at the moment)
      So if I cover in membrane as I go now and then lift it for winter and the frosts, does that sound about right?

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      • #4
        Why not sow some seeds there?


        • #5
          Get to your nearest market or garden centre and buy some plug plants.


          • #6
            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            Why not sow some seeds there?
            Originally posted by rustylady View Post
            Get to your nearest market or garden centre and buy some plug plants.
            It is currently a mass of weeds and waiting for a few decent weather days so I can get down and get digging. Not sure by the time I get done there will be time to sow seeds

            Also trying to prove partner wrong and not spend loads of money on it straight away! Shed greenhouse weed membrane for paths, debris netting finishing the half done fence around the edge... The list goes on and the bank balance goes down 😗

            May buy some smallish pots though and grow my own plug plants to take down later on

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            • #7
              Get hold of some cardboard and lay that down on your paths and over any cleared areas - or sow some green manure on them.
              The allotment is for growing crops, the infrastructure comes with time


              • #8
                Mumbles, I made the mistake of laying out my beds and paths and then focused on the acetic side of the plot.....biggest mistake I ever made!

                Fence looked lovely but the weeds were back. I took the advice of the helpful people on here and cleared and covered, and planted what I could. Part of my plot resembles a recycling centre but I can now move round and work bite sized chunks. I am growing pumpkins, squashes and courgettes through the cardboard so the space is still being used.

                Today I erected my bean canes and planted my beans through the cardboard too.


                • #9
                  Is it too late to sow pumpkins and squashes?

                  Otherwise I may be forced to the garden centre, oh well 😉

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mumbles View Post
                    Also trying to prove partner wrong and not spend loads of money on it straight away! Shed greenhouse weed membrane for paths, debris netting finishing the half done fence around the edge...
                    Greenhouse - Go to your local double glazing firm, see what they are skipping, usually a donation to the chrissy fuddle does the trick.
                    Weed Membrane - Cardboard (cheap as chips).
                    Debris Netting - see if anyone else want to split the difference with you. Very cheap on fleabay.
                    Fencing - Pick up some pallets, great for repair jobbies.

                    That should keep partner happy for a short while....................
                    Last edited by Bigmallly; 03-06-2014, 07:35 PM.
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • #11
                      Great stuff thanks

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                      • #12
                        I don't have any bare soil, ever.

                        It's all either covered in a crop, or a mulch of chopped up weeds & old crop foliage. It's been the fastest, bestest way to good soil

                        (to plant out a new crop, simply push the mulch aside)
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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