As stated before its a lot of faffing, that said I am interested in that increased harvest, am I right to assume this has been trialed over a number of seasons?
I would imagine the trial would have to be over a mininmum 5 seasons due to fluctuations in weather each year. I have seen a very similar concept a number of years ago based on raised beds for disabled / elderly gardens where the bed walls were filled with pea shingle.
as I said before, if it works for you then thats a result in its self
I would imagine the trial would have to be over a mininmum 5 seasons due to fluctuations in weather each year. I have seen a very similar concept a number of years ago based on raised beds for disabled / elderly gardens where the bed walls were filled with pea shingle.
as I said before, if it works for you then thats a result in its self
