I've got a massive overgrown garden I've been given permission to do/sort out.
Its the same size as mine which is about 10 by 60 meters. It is full of overgrown shrubs and trees but what there is more of is bindweed and stinging nettles oh and rubbish, 20 years of rubbish. I started this garden either last year or the year before and got about 10 meters in before we found a underground wasp hive which we had no way of getting in as there was so much rubbish we couldn't find a opening to put any wasp killer in. So we just stopped.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to tackle the vegetation. I don't want to put any pesticides or herbicides as Im thinking of just turning it into something for nature bee's, butterflies, hedgehogs etc
When we were doing it before we burnt a lot of stuff, I'm thinking of starting it late this year or early next.
Thanks guys
Its the same size as mine which is about 10 by 60 meters. It is full of overgrown shrubs and trees but what there is more of is bindweed and stinging nettles oh and rubbish, 20 years of rubbish. I started this garden either last year or the year before and got about 10 meters in before we found a underground wasp hive which we had no way of getting in as there was so much rubbish we couldn't find a opening to put any wasp killer in. So we just stopped.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to tackle the vegetation. I don't want to put any pesticides or herbicides as Im thinking of just turning it into something for nature bee's, butterflies, hedgehogs etc
When we were doing it before we burnt a lot of stuff, I'm thinking of starting it late this year or early next.
Thanks guys