hi all i have 4 darlek style compost bins up the plot and they are slowly getting full again ,does anyone have any tips on what i should do to make the most out of them ? should i water them ? leave the lids on ? take the lids off ,any thoughts welcome cheers
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compost question
It depends on what you are putting in them. I only use daleks for vegetale waste to keep them protected from vermin. Veg waste is by its nature wet and doesn’t need more water. The only thing I add is bokashi compost which means I add soil to increase the microbes. I know you’re supposed to have a good mix of brown and green things to compost but I do that in my open compost bins which take everything else (including perennial weeds which I sort out when I spread the compost.
Not answering your question I realise but daleks are just a covered box, compost comes from what you put in.
For decomposition to take place, you need moisture and warmth. Daley’s tend to dry out around the sides, where the sun hits them.
If you put grass clippings in it’s even more important to water them - the grass can catch fireAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
how is the compost in the bins?
Have you turned it?
To compost, you need warmth and moisture. If it is dry, leave the lid open until after next rain or you could consolidate into fewer and whilst turning, add water.
If the problem is that you have no space left, other option is to dig a trench where you are planting beans or courgettes next year and fill with green material, or if it is grass cuttings, mulch fruit bushes etc.
All best
i put everything in them ,grass cuttings ,veg ,fruit ,weeds and potting compost from old plants just to fill them up and get things going ,i havent turned them or mixed the stuff inside (1 had a bumble bees nest in and the other had field mice in ,they made my mum jump) ok ill put half a can of water in each and keep an eye on it ,cheers
The Dude abides.
If they are full and have been on the go for several months I would move one to see what it is like. By that I mean take off the bin and install it next to the old position. I would then put the raw comost back into the bin but avoid adding any matter that had been fully composted down. That way you can add more raw material to partially composted material and you will also introduce air into the mix. Also try to add as many worms from the old bin as possible. You will also see whether the compost needs to be watered. You can leave the remaining well rotted compost in a pile to use as you like.
If it looks as if you have a fairly empty bin you could do the same to the other bins and top up one or two bins from the three others. Then you can start the other bins off again.
Good luck
If you’re getting mice, your heap is too dry - bumbles nest in old mouse holes.
When you add material, always pour on a can of water too, and push the material down around the sides.
I’m lifting my Daley’s up today as they’re half full - then put the dalek on the next bed that needs compost. The old heap can be raked level, any big lumps are put back in the dalekAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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