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Storing a minorly damaged winter squash...


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  • Storing a minorly damaged winter squash...

    I�ve harvested my first (and only) Uchiki Kuri but as I harvested disaster struck and I�ve Nicked it�s skin with the secateurs will it still store ok?

    Next year I�ve learnt I need to give more feeding and attack aphids quicker as had an aphid farm on this plant so think it�s why it�s not done so well!

  • #2
    Leave it to fully ripen, indoors in the warm, but keep a close eye on it.
    Sometimes they still store well, even with some damage - but obviously if it starts to rot, eat it as quick as you can.


    • #3
      Thanks Thelma, I’m cross with myself I should have been more careful! So I hope it doesn’t rot!
      How will I know when it’s fully ripened? It’s already a beautiful orange!


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	342E9C57-01F3-4060-A87F-005AC7E7D179.jpg
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        You can just see the cut on the front right side


        • #5
          Why not just cook with it and make something while you can ? You can only eat it once ... :-)

          PS Don't forget to save some seeds, if the taste is good.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nickdub View Post
            PS Don't forget to save some seeds, if the taste is good.
            Be careful when saving squash seed! Pumkin, squash, courgettes and marrows will all cross pollinate. If you want to save seed from anything in this family the flowers need to be bagged prior to opening and hand pollinated.
            You can grow them if you wanted to try it, you can get some weird and wonderful crosses some not edible, others that don't produce much fruit etc...but if you are tight on space it may not be worth the risk.
            Last edited by Scarlet; 29-08-2018, 03:58 PM.


            • #7
              Uchiki Kuri are Cucurbita maxima so it will depend on what other Cucurbits are growing in the neighbourhood. Most courgettes are Pepo, except the trombone and crookneck squash which are moschata. Winter Squash might be members of Maxima, Pepo or Moschata. Giant pumpkins are usually Maxima as well. They will easily cross with other members of their group, but not with other groups usually.

              I'd probably make soup with it and either eat or freeze it

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              • #8
                Originally posted by Chrissyteacup View Post
                Thanks Thelma, I�m cross with myself I should have been more careful! So I hope it doesn�t rot!
                How will I know when it�s fully ripened? It�s already a beautiful orange!
                Yes, you can eat Kuri squash as you've picked it, but the taste improves if left to ripen on the plant for as long as possible and then storing indoors, for a while, before eating, the Americans call it curing them, if you fancy Googling it. During curing minor cuts and scratches can heal over...


                • #9
                  Thanks guys! I won’t be able to seed save as had a pumpkin, patty pan and Courgette Rugosa Friulana in the same plot but have some left so will use this years seed if it’s any good!
                  I’ll look into Curing! It’ll be useful for future reference if not this year!
                  Good to know what crosses with what!


                  • #10
                    Just a quick update Squah is doing well seems to have formed a scab over the damage I�m looking forward to eating it by waiting until I no longer have summer squash to eat.

                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	2380758


                    • #11
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	2381195
                      So decided as was looking discoloured around the �wound� today was the day- roasted it up made some soup definitely a grow for next year OH claimed I don�t like pumpkin- I force fed him prior to making into soup he had to have a few bits just to check he didn�t like it


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