Hi all, I�ve been reading some great stuff on the forum but wanted to introduce myself.
Currently just taken over an allotment for the first time and have to admit quite daunted.
Would super appreciate any advice as I try to learn more in this exciting world of Growing.
I have a 6 rod allotment in West London and would appreciate thoughts / advice on the following.
1: some of the area is covered with grass. How do you dig it up? Wait till dry? Turn it over whilst wet? Compostable?
2: was thinking of raised beds. Would you put a ground cover to stop weeds coming though into the raised bed or is the groundsheet for the walkways?
3: asparagus.... I�ve been told it could take 3 years to go from planting from seed to eating. Is there a quicker way?
4: I feel I have to get everything down to just bare soil before planting and it is a bit of a stressor, I�ve seen people use cultivators then lay ground sheets? Is this a good way? Or is it best to just to not focus on getting a blank canvas?
5: One of the main things I wish to grow is tomatoes. Do you recommend a greenhouse or poly tunnel?
Any advice to all my ramblings would be super appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Currently just taken over an allotment for the first time and have to admit quite daunted.
Would super appreciate any advice as I try to learn more in this exciting world of Growing.
I have a 6 rod allotment in West London and would appreciate thoughts / advice on the following.
1: some of the area is covered with grass. How do you dig it up? Wait till dry? Turn it over whilst wet? Compostable?
2: was thinking of raised beds. Would you put a ground cover to stop weeds coming though into the raised bed or is the groundsheet for the walkways?
3: asparagus.... I�ve been told it could take 3 years to go from planting from seed to eating. Is there a quicker way?
4: I feel I have to get everything down to just bare soil before planting and it is a bit of a stressor, I�ve seen people use cultivators then lay ground sheets? Is this a good way? Or is it best to just to not focus on getting a blank canvas?
5: One of the main things I wish to grow is tomatoes. Do you recommend a greenhouse or poly tunnel?
Any advice to all my ramblings would be super appreciated.
Thanks in advance