Hi there & thanks in advance to those who read/reply.
I�m now in my 4th year of this growing your own so still very much a novice. I don�t have a huge garden or a greenhouse but the past 3yrs have grown in my 2 raised beds.
This year I treated myself to a medium trug to grow salad leaves, radish, turnip, beetroot & spring onion to save room in the beds for pots, kale, courgette, spinach & chard....all that I�ve grown before.
I split the trug into squares rather than drills, used a decent multipurpose compost, feed & added some vermiculite (although never used before). 5wks ago sowed 1/2 then a wk ago anoth 1/2 but this time used a layer of seed compost. Germination is really poor & ive had much better results in the garden before. Even my trusty valmaine has done nothing.
The trug has the cover on & im wondering if this the issue.....but that�s why I�ve popped on here to see if any of you experts could help???
I�m now in my 4th year of this growing your own so still very much a novice. I don�t have a huge garden or a greenhouse but the past 3yrs have grown in my 2 raised beds.
This year I treated myself to a medium trug to grow salad leaves, radish, turnip, beetroot & spring onion to save room in the beds for pots, kale, courgette, spinach & chard....all that I�ve grown before.
I split the trug into squares rather than drills, used a decent multipurpose compost, feed & added some vermiculite (although never used before). 5wks ago sowed 1/2 then a wk ago anoth 1/2 but this time used a layer of seed compost. Germination is really poor & ive had much better results in the garden before. Even my trusty valmaine has done nothing.
The trug has the cover on & im wondering if this the issue.....but that�s why I�ve popped on here to see if any of you experts could help???