Hi there,
I would like to make some comfrey fertiliser but I'm having a problem identifying what is comfrey and what isn't. For example I picked some leaves that were growing wild near me but now I think they could be young foxglove plants!
I took some pictures but they won't upload. If anyone could tell me what characteristics comfrey leaves have which will allow me to identify them and rule out that they are other plants.
Thanks guys. I will try to upload some photos of the potential comfrey I saw on my walk yesterday.
I would like to make some comfrey fertiliser but I'm having a problem identifying what is comfrey and what isn't. For example I picked some leaves that were growing wild near me but now I think they could be young foxglove plants!
I took some pictures but they won't upload. If anyone could tell me what characteristics comfrey leaves have which will allow me to identify them and rule out that they are other plants.
Thanks guys. I will try to upload some photos of the potential comfrey I saw on my walk yesterday.
