Hi there. First post so go easy 
My wife and I are total beginners to growing anything. We managed to get an allotment the week before lockdown so feel quite fortunate. As much as a diary for ourselves, we're trying to blog about things as we go: www.plot57a.co.uk is the link, perhaps it'll be of interest to some here.
Anyway, we did a big order of stuff from Marshalls a few weeks back that has just arrived. Hooray. Feel we can finally get planting and try and grow some stuff now. We have:
Pea Seeds � Hurst Green Shaft
Broad Bean Seeds � Masterpiece Green Longpod
Dwarf French Bean Seeds � Amethyst
Lettuce Seeds � All The Year Round
Salad Rocket Athena Seeds
Leek Seeds � Neptune
Shallot Sets � Red Gourmet
Onion Sets � Rumba (Heat Prepared)
Albert Bartlett Seed Potato Isle of Jura
A query though...
Given the distractions of trying to earn a living, we're going to struggle to get to our allotment for any length of time before the weekend. The seeds we can obviously just leave in the packets until then, but what about the potatoes and onion / shallot sets? Are they ok in the box they came in, or should we get them out and let them see light? I know we need to keep them cool and dry, but is light a good or a bad thing for them? We're only talking a few days but want to be as careful as we can with them until we get them in the soil.

My wife and I are total beginners to growing anything. We managed to get an allotment the week before lockdown so feel quite fortunate. As much as a diary for ourselves, we're trying to blog about things as we go: www.plot57a.co.uk is the link, perhaps it'll be of interest to some here.
Anyway, we did a big order of stuff from Marshalls a few weeks back that has just arrived. Hooray. Feel we can finally get planting and try and grow some stuff now. We have:
Pea Seeds � Hurst Green Shaft
Broad Bean Seeds � Masterpiece Green Longpod
Dwarf French Bean Seeds � Amethyst
Lettuce Seeds � All The Year Round
Salad Rocket Athena Seeds
Leek Seeds � Neptune
Shallot Sets � Red Gourmet
Onion Sets � Rumba (Heat Prepared)
Albert Bartlett Seed Potato Isle of Jura
A query though...
Given the distractions of trying to earn a living, we're going to struggle to get to our allotment for any length of time before the weekend. The seeds we can obviously just leave in the packets until then, but what about the potatoes and onion / shallot sets? Are they ok in the box they came in, or should we get them out and let them see light? I know we need to keep them cool and dry, but is light a good or a bad thing for them? We're only talking a few days but want to be as careful as we can with them until we get them in the soil.