I'm having a problem getting my head around how to apply crop rotation to my plot. I understand the principles but am finding the practicalities of it difficult, especially as I have more than one bed for the same crop. It would be brilliant if someone could advise me on the best way to implement, say, a 4 year plan. I live in the Limousin region of France which has a similar climate to the South of England (although does get snow in jan/feb time)
I have 10 beds (each one 5m2) and am planning to grow the following:
Bed 1: Early potatoes followed by transplanted tomatoes
Bed 2: Brassicas
Bed 3: Early carrots, roots & onions
Bed 4: Maincrop Potatoes
Bed 5: Cucumbers, Aubergine, Courgette, Melon
Bed 6: Sweetcorn, Squash & Pumpkin
Bed 7: Peas, Beans followed by transplanted leeks
Bed 8: Maincrop Potatoes
Bed 9: Main carrots, roots & onions
Bed 10: Brassicas
Does this look like an ok use of the space or should I be aiming to utilise the space better? For example, I know the experts recommmend starting off brassicas in a seed bed but I don't have one so is it ok to plant modules straight into their final growing position? If I want to keep the same number of beds for each group how would I plant them up in years 2, 3 & 4?
Also, when should I be adding compost/manure to beds? What do the books mean when they refer to bulky organic matter? Should manure always be well-rotted? What does this mean - how long does it need to rot? I got some in October so when would it be ready to use? Similarly when can I use compost? How rotted down does it need to be?
I'm sorry for all the questions but I am a relative newcomer to this and I need all the help I can get!
I have 10 beds (each one 5m2) and am planning to grow the following:
Bed 1: Early potatoes followed by transplanted tomatoes
Bed 2: Brassicas
Bed 3: Early carrots, roots & onions
Bed 4: Maincrop Potatoes
Bed 5: Cucumbers, Aubergine, Courgette, Melon
Bed 6: Sweetcorn, Squash & Pumpkin
Bed 7: Peas, Beans followed by transplanted leeks
Bed 8: Maincrop Potatoes
Bed 9: Main carrots, roots & onions
Bed 10: Brassicas
Does this look like an ok use of the space or should I be aiming to utilise the space better? For example, I know the experts recommmend starting off brassicas in a seed bed but I don't have one so is it ok to plant modules straight into their final growing position? If I want to keep the same number of beds for each group how would I plant them up in years 2, 3 & 4?
Also, when should I be adding compost/manure to beds? What do the books mean when they refer to bulky organic matter? Should manure always be well-rotted? What does this mean - how long does it need to rot? I got some in October so when would it be ready to use? Similarly when can I use compost? How rotted down does it need to be?
I'm sorry for all the questions but I am a relative newcomer to this and I need all the help I can get!
