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  • Compost

    My dalek bin is full but the compost is not ready yet.

    Could I just dig a hole and put stuff in there and let it rot ? If so for how long.

    Or would a tumbler be a good idea ?

    I have a small garden but in theory can have lots of material (there are 4 adults in the house in August to be 4 and a baby) for composting.

    So ideally need something small, cheap and quick.

    Space is a very big problem. If for example it is possible to put material to compost in a hole between eg raspberry canes (probably a very bad idea) that would be a good.
    Time is also a problem.

  • #2
    If you intend growing runners or french beans dig a trench now and fill it with the top layer of compost - the really not ready stuff. You can then turn the stuff underneath which is likely to be usuable later in the spring. You can leave the bean trench open, add more peelings/ shredded newspaper etc for a while and then cover with soil and it will act as a water retainer for your bean roots. It really does help to have lots of moisture at their feet.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      Mine had too much bl&&dy moisture last year .
      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


      • #4
        If your compost bin is full you need to leave it to it's own devices and start filling a new heap/bin. Something really quick if you need a faster turn-over is a Bokashi bin - you need two, one to fill over a fortnight, then sprinkle on the Bokashi bran and leave. Start filling bin number two. At the end of a fortnight, the first one is ready to put in the garden, in theory. The bran contains microorganisms that start working on the material immediately. Jennie Atkinson (one of the mods) has one, she really rates it. Try a google search?

        Dwell simply ~ love richly


        • #5
          I use the bokashi system too, and it's brilliant, got my set from recycle now.
          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


          • #6

            did you get 2 for �25.

            did you have to ring the order thru
            my plot march 2013

            hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


            • #7
              I have just ordered a set through recycle now as it seems that they are well regarded here. This system will suit me better as the dalek in the garden isn't working properly as it does not get enough sun its current position. There isn't really anywhere else to put it as the garden is a bit tight for room and I want to move it anyway. I am tempted to turn it into a wormery...

              I ordered mine online (�1 discount!!) as I got my dalek from them last year they already have my details.


              • #8
                Originally posted by southlondongardener View Post
                Could I just dig a hole and put stuff in there and let it rot ? If so for how long.
                I do this if my Dalek is full - do remember however, that your compost-pits will sink as the contents rot, so mound them up a bit to account for this, or you'll end up with terribly lumpy bumpy ground
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 25-01-2008, 07:59 PM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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