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What's In A Name?


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  • #76
    Mine is from when I started internet dating [and then promptly found the man of my dreams - only tried it for a joke].
    My first name starts with A and so I looked in the philosophy dictionary for something beginning with Z; Zazen means enlightenment and I added 999 - so it really means emergency enlightenment; I found it mildly amusing because a - I enlighten nobody and b - I dawdle about in a world of my own spouting innane rubbish.

    I've used it ever since.


    • #77
      I acquired the name Bubblewrap about 6 years ago while doing security.
      I have a genetic skin disorder which causes syst like lumps to appear I have the lumps all over me but luckily non on my face mylong hair and beard cover a lot.
      My body is covered in lumps so.................
      The disorder
      Neurofibromatosis, - Google Image Search
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #78
        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
        Zazen means enlightenment
        My husband's name is Zaz and mine is Jane - so when people say Zaz 'n' Jane, can I tell people that it means that I am a source of enlightenment to them, as in Enlightenment Jane? Perhaps I should change my nickname to that - sadly, it does rather make me think of my dad, who used to call me Calamity Jane, so perhaps I'd better not go down that road...

        Mine is very boring as well - my name is Jane Clare; mum called me Janey Clare, dad called me Chocolatey Clare (when he wasn't calling me Calamity Jane of course). I went on another forum many years ago and it said "nickname" and Chocolatey Clare was the only one I could think of BUT THERE WAS SOMEONE ALREADY CALLED THAT!!!!! Shock Horror!! So I abbreviated it to ChocClare.


        • #79
          I love the stars, so when I joined my first forum some years ago, I chose Sirius. I've stuck with it over the years and usually use it no matter what I'm doing. Not particularly exciting, I know!! I don't mind anyone knowing that my name is Gillian, you can call me either
          Last edited by Sirius; 31-01-2008, 10:41 PM.
          �The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.�


          • #80
            When I went to secondary school there were 5 Janes in my year. All the others had middle names so were called Jane (middle name). I don't have a middle name so they used my last initial instead. This was slightly complicated by the fact that two of the others had the same last initial. So I was called JanieB. When some of my friends started learning German it was changed to YanieB, and some of them still call me that.

            When I married, my husband had the same last initial so my nickname stayed the same.

            Since getting an allotment last year, I appear as Lottieholder on other fora. I don't know if it's possible to change my nickname on this site but Lottieholder seems more appropriate somehow.
            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


            • #81
              My name is Sarah but I always get called Sarz (rhymes with stairs) by the OH, family & friends (except my big sis who calls me SeeRaw...?!) and Wix is my surname spelled wrong! Not very imaginitive, but I'm called Mopsy on my Harry Potter forum & I can't get used to being called something that isn't my name


              • #82
                Blimey, some interesting stuff here.

                Nothing so interesting for me I'm afraid. I used The Doctor when signing up because it popped in my head!
                Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
                I came, I saw, I stuck around.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Madasafish View Post
                  I am a router but I thought routers were to do with compooters and telekommunikationz.
                  Go to Australia... See what a router (or rooter) is over there...)
                  Let's go diggin' dirt....

                  Big silver bird, come land low and slow
                  Cut your engines, cool your wings,
                  You've taken me home...


                  • #84
                    I live in a village called Dane End and as I am a bit empty headed with regards to gardening I must be a bit of a dolly, ergo Dane End Dolly.

                    Sad but true!!!!!!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by madmax View Post
                      Go to Australia... See what a router (or rooter) is over there...)
                      Makes rooting powder interesting dosen't it?(ground up Viagra?)
                      Last edited by bubblewrap; 01-02-2008, 01:14 PM.
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                        Makes rooting powder interesting dosen't it?(ground up Viagra?)
                        Indeed BW - it is in fact connected. In Oz to go routing about is to go and have pleasures of the flesh... And it is such a PC country as well. A load of bad puns I know but there we are.

                        PS - sorry for the off the topic digression.
                        Let's go diggin' dirt....

                        Big silver bird, come land low and slow
                        Cut your engines, cool your wings,
                        You've taken me home...


                        • #87
                          Well, Minty ?????. A shortened version of Distinctly Minty which was part of an TV advert in the 70s/80s for Foxes glacier mints i think which incidently was a favourite of mine.
                          But some do say i pay a resemblence to Minty from Eastenders(apart from the fact i have a mohican and am far better looking..... splutter, splutter, cough, giggle.)
                          Thanks Minty X
                          " If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog



                          • #88
                            I'm called Chrissie, or Christina, depends who I'm talking to And I'm a carpenter Chrissie the chippy.... would have been my company name if I'd have started one....
                            "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by chrissie the chippy View Post
                              I'm called Chrissie, or Christina, depends who I'm talking to And I'm a carpenter Chrissie the chippy.... would have been my company name if I'd have started one....
                              It's just as well you didn't ! "Chippy" has an alternative meaning when applied to one of the fairer sex.


                              • #90
                                Years ago, OH and I stayed in a hotel in Paris on Rue Mouffetard; we loved the name and he now affectionately (at least, I assume it's affectionate...) calls me 'mouffe'. Not long after our trip to Paris, I joined a forum and needed a name and someone was already registered as Mouffetard, so the computer suggested HappyMouffetard.

                                I am variously HappyMouffetard or HappyMouffe for short on most fora I frequent.


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