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Growing flowers in multi-cell


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  • Growing flowers in multi-cell

    I am raising my first plants from seeds, and am rather exited. I put the seeds (Cosmos) in a 24 section multi-cell; one seed in each cell, and they are doing well. So well in fact that the little plants are around 2 to 3" long and are standing on what looks like a very fragile stem.

    Is this all right, or should I be thinking about potting them on, and if so what size pot should be considered.
    James the novice

  • #2
    As soon as they produce a pair of true leaves, not the seedling leaves, pot each one into a 3 inch pot, or before if roots are coming out of the cell. Plant them out when there is no danger of frost. Remember they need full sun, they may not flower in shade. I assume you are growing them indoors so they may get a bit leggy before you can plant them out.


    • #3
      Leggy is right. They are only showing seedling leaves and have reached 2" to 3" in height. My concern is that they will collapse under their own weight, or is this unlikely?

      First time of growing plants, so not sure how they should develop, and what they should look like as they progress.
      James the novice


      • #4
        You sowed them a little early really but they may be ok. Just hang in there, give them as much light as you can.


        • #5
          Hang in there I will. Lets hope the seedlings do the same.
          James the novice


          • #6
            Would be interested to know how your Cosmos are getting on as I eagerly planted mine on 16th Feb. They were in the house in a propagator first and grew very quickly and look leggy. I watered them well (tray in water) and moved them to my heated greenhouse yesterday and some of them are showing signs of what I think are the true leaves but others are showing signs of collapsing, but I don't know if this is because I have drowned them or if the stems are too weak.


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