Have just returned from an excursion to a local charity shop and have found an excellent reference book. It's called Food From Your Garden and contains information on growing cooking and preserving your own fruit & veg. It's published by the Readers Digest and looks ancient.
Have had a quick look and there is loads of advice on planning, planting and tending your garden and masses of recipes for cooking individual fruits & veggies as well as loads of recipes for jams, jellies, chutneys & pickles.
Not only that, it speaks to me in my language (pounds & ounces).
Bargain for a quid!
Have had a quick look and there is loads of advice on planning, planting and tending your garden and masses of recipes for cooking individual fruits & veggies as well as loads of recipes for jams, jellies, chutneys & pickles.
Not only that, it speaks to me in my language (pounds & ounces).
Bargain for a quid!