I spent some time on Sunday sowing a few of each of my seeds in cell trays in my unheated greenhouse.
I take it that broad beans, cabbage, leeks, sprouts, peas and swede will be ok to germinate in an unheated greenhouse?
The tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, aubergines and courgettes got star treatment in the spare room. parsnips are on some moist kitchen paper on the dining room table!
Is there anything else I can germinate outside in the greenhouse? radishes? dare I attempt carrots straight in the ground?
I take it that broad beans, cabbage, leeks, sprouts, peas and swede will be ok to germinate in an unheated greenhouse?
The tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, aubergines and courgettes got star treatment in the spare room. parsnips are on some moist kitchen paper on the dining room table!
Is there anything else I can germinate outside in the greenhouse? radishes? dare I attempt carrots straight in the ground?
