My seedlings are propagating and growing at a frightening rate now!
This, for example, is a picture of one little peat pot of turnip (swede) seedlings ...

Do I need to thin these out at all? Or are they ready to go outside? I'm in Kent and we're still getting some frost, but we also have a cold frame.
We can't get into the garden until the weekend, so will they be OK as they are until them and can we plant them outside under the cold frame come Saturday or Sunday? Or should I thin them out before that?
Thanks so much for all your help! I'm feeling a bit daft about this whole process at the moment

Do I need to thin these out at all? Or are they ready to go outside? I'm in Kent and we're still getting some frost, but we also have a cold frame.
We can't get into the garden until the weekend, so will they be OK as they are until them and can we plant them outside under the cold frame come Saturday or Sunday? Or should I thin them out before that?
Thanks so much for all your help! I'm feeling a bit daft about this whole process at the moment
