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Things i will do different next year..


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  • Things i will do different next year..

    I Thought (as the growing season is under way an all) it might be a good idea to start a thread off for them of us that are new to this growing veg stuff, and are already learning the error of our ways.
    Feel free to point and larf, join in with your words of wisdom you more experienced Grapes.

    I will kick us off with...

    Next year i will make sure i sew my container grown carrots and parsnips straight into their permanent containers and not in small pots to be moved on later.
    They really don’t appreciate being pricked out and moved on.

    Last edited by Wren; 22-04-2008, 06:52 PM.

  • #2
    Ooooh this is going to be such a funny thread

    Next year I will not sow 2,000 Nicotiana plants in one tray and have to spend every waking hour pricking them out.
    Next year I will have got to grips with how many herb seeds to sow in a pot so I don't have too many or too few in it.


    • #3
      things i will do different(ly) this year


      • #4
        things I will do differently.
        I will always label everything immediately, and not leave it till after a cup of tea and forget which seeds went into which tray.


        • #5
          Next year I will not kill my broad beans.


          • #6
            Next yr I will have more time and make sure I have dedicated space for my veggies


            • #7
              Originally posted by KayJay View Post
              things I will do differently.
              I will always label everything immediately, and not leave it till after a cup of tea and forget which seeds went into which tray.
              I'm with you on that Kath - I'm already struggling to make out if it's courgette or a squash in some of my pots...time will tell I guess!
              "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


              • #8
                Next year I will have Jan, Feb & March, on the lottie which will be a big bonus and help me be more prepared.

                I'll also have a full itinerary of our family veg needs so I can but endeavour to meet it.
                I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                • #9
                  Next year I won't sew overwintering broad beans a month too early, under a nice warm cloche, so that they put on two feet of growth in the very mild autumn and curl themselves into mad corkscrews inside the cloche, then bend and go nasty when i try to straighten them and tie them to stakes and end up having to resew anyway!! Grrrr


                  • #10
                    next year I will not assume I can remember which part of which windowsil contains which potao variety.. :P even the desiree, which looked nice and red initially now look identical to all the reast.. doh!
                    I have a dream:
                    a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


                    • #11
                      I will also learn how to type.. potato variety.. and who knows where that 'a' came from in 'rest' :P
                      I have a dream:
                      a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


                      • #12
                        next year i will organise myself and my time better and not decided right at the last minute after seeing lets grow veg in asda and buy it and then decided in april that im endevouring to grow veg lol. i will also hopefully by then either have an allotment or a garden i can dig up or some kind of patio raised bed!

                        My Growing Blog



                        • #13
                          Oh my goodness!! some of these are too funny an my face hurt from laughing. Keep them coming folk



                          • #14
                            I will not be thinking that 30 lettuces at a time will be 'just enough' for 2 people.


                            • #15
                              next year I will label things as soon as I plant them instead of saying to myself 'ooh i will remember that I planted those onions/potatoes/spinach there. I now have no clue as to what row contains what as the little shoots are just so tiny!!

                              will also label all the seeds i have sown on windowsill for exact same reason!


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