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Things i will do different next year..


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  • Next year I will not grow things we do not like eg courgettes just 'cos i like the way they grow- ie. fast!
    I too, will label but most importantly, I will not ignore my allotment over the winter months thinking the weeding and allotment fairy will keep it in good shape for me!


    • Two things i will do differently next year are going to be, sowing spring onions in some guttering and either move to allotment or grow them on in the guttering. Spring onions dont seem to want to germinate let alone grow for me.
      And i will give up on carrots, The 1st lot failed apart from a few stragglers in a pot.the second attempt i used carrot king pelleted and even these have failed. Not happy!
      a good put down line to use !

      If having brains was a fatal disease, you would be the only survivor.


      • Next year I will not go on holiday for two weeks, leaving the watering to a friend (she did a great job) with the instructions, pick what you want when its ready.

        Only to find when I came back that she hadn't picked anything cos she didn't want to impose. My courgettes were giant marrows, pea plants had fallen over with the weight and the broccoli had lovely yellow flowers to name but a few

        Oh she did pick the strawberries but only after she arrived one day to find most had been eaten by the birds

        One thing I will have to figure out though is when stuff is ready to harvest, too often I seem to find I leave things just that one day too long

        I will be planting "twinkle" peas they were lovely, not a single pod full made it to the pan


        • I won't be doing the 3 sisters planting thing - the place is like a jungle, you can't move in there. Everything is growing amazingly, so from that point of view it's great, but I've discovered that none of us are really keen on the french beans! So perhaps next year it will just be 2 sisters!!
          Life is too short for drama & petty things!
          So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


          • Next year i will space out my carrots and onions, they grew well this year but as a first timer i just thought " what the heck, i'll just see what happens" and left the seedlings where they were, everything has grown but on a smaller scale, onions 3"x3" and carrots 6" long, and my biggest lesson not put tom plants in grow bags!! they dont offer good support and topple over when you are on holiday!
            Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


            • I will not grow spring onions (not worth the wait), or main crop potatoes (will stick to earlier varieties & leave more room for other crops).
              keen but (slightly less) clueless


              • Next year I will plant more than I did this year of each variety, but less than the previous year.

                I will also plant more things sooner and learn how to use things like cloches more effectively.
                A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                What would Vedder do?


                • Next year I will have my allotment for the whole year and will actually be able to plant things on time rather than 3-4 months late and not really get much produce.

                  Next year I will also have my beds marked out properly so I do accidentially trample my spring onions.

                  Next year I will plant more of everything. I keep undestimating the amount of land I have and now have loads of space left.

                  I like to try, might not get far, but I like to try.


                  • Originally posted by Jameslovell View Post
                    Next year I will have my allotment for the whole year and will actually be able to plant things on time rather than 3-4 months late and not really get much produce.

                    Next year I will also have my beds marked out properly so I do accidentially trample my spring onions.

                    Next year I will plant more of everything. I keep undestimating the amount of land I have and now have loads of space left.
                    Didcot eh? Know it well lad!
                    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                    What would Vedder do?


                    • Next year I won't heave a big sigh of relief in mid-May, thinking all the hard work of spring is over, and neglect my plot in June aka Weed-Month!

                      Also I will try root trainers for the veg I've had trouble getting to planting-out size (e.g. leeks) and see if that helps.

                      I will also water things more conscientiously...


                      • Change of plan already! Next year I WILL grown French Beans again, turns out when you grow them yourself they're gorgeous!!

                        But I WON'T bother with outdoor tomatoes again - blight is just soul destroying
                        Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                        So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                        • Next year I'll sow the butternut squash earlier and make sure that I have fleece ready in case we have another summer like this one. It's just so depressing to see the tiny fruit just beginning to form and know that it's too late. I've left them in and I'm hoping (without any real expectation) for an Indian summer.
                          Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                          • next year ....

                            Next year....
                            I will try to be more disciplined with my greenhouse watering so my tomatoes don't get horrible brown bums
                            I will not go on holiday in July as all my beautiful courgettes turned into honking marrows
                            I will not grow things I don't eat - even if the seed catalogues do make it look exciting
                            I will repeat sow peas until they do germinate more than 1 pea :-(
                            and the thread about labelling TRUE !!! shelf full of ugo's ( unidentified growing object )
                            all part of the fun though !


                            • Grow more french beans Cobra, forget about the Kinghorn wax (don't like them). Plant stuff out from the celltrays before they become bonsai veg. Net brassicas against cabbage white - need to make some bigger supports and buy more netting.


                              • I will
                                - Do my seed buying in December, so that I can...
                                - Plan what I'm going to sow in modules ready for early planting
                                - Do early potatoes, and then store them
                                - Only grow things which are yummy and expensive and/or unusual
                                - Not stomp all over my lawn with muddy boots on a wet March Sunday- took me all summer to get the grass back, and it's still not the same
                                Last edited by TracyP; 24-08-2008, 08:18 PM.


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