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Things i will do different next year..


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  • Get some chickens and join the happy band of Hen Whisperers on here!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • Next year i will....

      Not go overboard with the spuds - i am only feeding myself & the OH
      Be able to harvest my own onions - didn't bother with them this past year
      Have raised veg beds and hopefully win the ongoing battle against my grass
      Be successful in growing pumpkins
      Will not grow too many courgette plants (only me eating them)
      Will plant my peas on time & be able to harvest them for longer than a week
      Will get some Pak Choi to grow successfully & not bolt straight away
      keen but (slightly less) clueless


      • Next year i will grow a more autumn squash, more summer squash , i will stagger the planting of my first earlies to as late as may for the last lot, so i don't end up with a glut and then non.
        Hopefully i will be able to then grow first earlies , right round to august. I will net off the Brassica's in march to keep the flippen butterfly's from them and fingers crossed i will have my lottie by then so i can spread out from my kitchen garden.



        • Next year I will grow F1 Sprouts, as the OP varieties blow too easily.

          British by birth
          Scottish by the Grace of God


          • Next year i aim to no longer be a "complete gardening novice" and just "gardening novice"

            And whilst trying to achieve that status next year i plan to turn my whole front and back garden over to veggi production because its completely addictive!!! {Note to self, stop being so obsessive}


            • Next year will be my first full season.

              I will protect my brassicas from the dratted Cabbage whites with net tunnels.
              I won't grow 16 tomato plants (tho the green tomato chutney is wonderful)
              I will grow far more chillis
              I will try mangetout
              and I won't put beetroot in containers.
              Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

              I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


              • Love this thread!

                Next year I won't:

                - Plant my onions so close to the potatoes that I lose some under the foliage.
                - Grow so much purple stuff - it's only a novelty if everything else isn't purple too!
                - Try pattypan again
                - Think that I'll be able to remember where everything is planted, without labels
                - Try mangetout in a pot again - never failed in the garden, but this year it was poor.

                Next year I will:
                - Try toms in the new lean-to.
                - Declare war on the slugs
                - Grow more onions - those that survived the tattie jungle were delicious.
                - Grow more winter veg
                - Grow land-cress
                - Think hard about hens.
                - Visit this site regularly and become an expert : )
                Last edited by Gro-Bag; 29-11-2008, 09:21 AM.


                • Next year I won't:
                  Break my ankle until I've finished the winter digging, cleaned the greenhouse, and scrubbed all my little pots and seed trays...


                  • Next year I won't plant my garlic cloves next to daffodills

                    Updated 23rd February 2009


                    • This year - leave things alone to grow, was a bit like Bart Simpson last year, has it grown yet? can i pull it out/up and eat it yet!! Poor old spuds were poked and prodded so much as we were desperate to eat them.
                      Let nature take its course, kick back and enjoy the journey as well as the destination is the mantra for this year.
                      When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


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