Well, I THINK its a new book!
Just purchased "The allotment book" by Andi Clevely from Tescos this am. Had a quick look through - what a super book! It gives you lots of useful advice to all us newlings to allotments/growing veg. The bit I thought was the best was the section telling you what to do in which season - sow now, plant now, in season now - key jobs etc etc etc v useful!
There is a recommendation by kim wilde - "on your first visit to the allotment site, if you take with you only two things - let them be a packet of seeds and this book" - agree entirely!
Has anyone else bought this book? what do you think? if you havent, its well worth it!

Just purchased "The allotment book" by Andi Clevely from Tescos this am. Had a quick look through - what a super book! It gives you lots of useful advice to all us newlings to allotments/growing veg. The bit I thought was the best was the section telling you what to do in which season - sow now, plant now, in season now - key jobs etc etc etc v useful!
There is a recommendation by kim wilde - "on your first visit to the allotment site, if you take with you only two things - let them be a packet of seeds and this book" - agree entirely!
Has anyone else bought this book? what do you think? if you havent, its well worth it!
