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Newbie - Any advice 0n my ch0ices


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  • Newbie - Any advice 0n my ch0ices

    Hi there.

    Firstly, please ign0re my '0' but I have keyb0ard pr0blems

    I am gr0wing veggies f0r the first time this year and seem t0 have been bitten by a bug!!! I am gr0wing in my garden and mainly in c0ntainers. I have planted s0me fr0m seed and s0me fr0m plants 0rdered 0nline. This is what I'm gr0wing;

    Runner Bean En0rma (fr0m seed) x 9
    Dwarf Runner Bean Hestia (Fr0m Plants) x 3
    Dwarf French Bean Annabel (Fr0m Plants) x 3
    Pea Kelved0n W0nder (Fr0m Seed) x ab0ut 16
    T0mat0 T0tum (Fr0m Plant) x 1
    T0mat0 Red R0bin (Fr0m Plant) x 1
    Chilli Pepper Apache (Fr0m Plant) x 1
    C0urgette Ambassad0r (Fr0m Plant) x 1
    Mini Cucumber Greenfingers (Fr0m Plants) x 1
    Sweet Pepper Redskin (Fr0m Plant) x 1
    Br0cc0li Autumn Spear (I think - Fr0m Seed, in gr0und) x a few!!
    Carr0ts Nantes (Fr0m Seed) x a few!!

    I' waiting f0r s0me strawbery plants which I putting in wind0w b0xes and
    spr0uts which w0n't c0me till next m0nth I think. Puting these in the gr0und ar0und the garden t00. That l00ks like a huge list n0w I've written it d0wn

    N0ne 0f my plants are under c0ver, they are all 0n a pati0 which is bright and gets sunshine in the aftern00ns rather than all day l0ng. I have b0ught a mini greenh0use with a plastic c0ver and at the m0ment I have s0me fl0wer seeds in there. Put them in a bt late but the marig0lds have germinated well and s0me 0f the 0thers t00.

    I supp0se my questi0n is d0 y0u have any advice ab0ut any 0f the ab0ve? Als0, anything else I can gr0w in c0ntainers 0f baskets/wind0w b0xes? My carr0ts have just been s0wn in the c0ntainers and w0ndered if I need t0 thin them n0w as s0me 0f them are cl0se t0gether???

  • #2
    i grow the following all in pots, gooseberry, blueberry, gojiberry, japenese wine berry, raspberry, cranberry, rhubarb, blackberry, red black and white currents, and of course the lovely strawberry. i also have fruit trees in big pots on dwarf bush root stocks. hope that gives you some ideas and there good value for money as usually fruit for 20 years plus except for strawberrys 3-4 years so save some runners.


    • #3
      My advice is to not grow any veg with an 'O' in the name!

      btw, I just bought a new USB keyboard from PC World for £5.50!

      Now what was the question again?..............oh yes, advice on growing veg....sorry I can't help you there!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


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