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  • Marmande

    I've got/had some tomatos (marmande) at home since i planted them 12/4 And i transplanted them to a bigger pot on 7/5 but now for some reason why they are DIEING the leaves have started to go brown and the plant has started to droop any ideas why this may of happened?

    TheGrosvenorStPlot Updated
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    Last edited by bwfc07; 22-05-2008, 01:11 PM.

  • #2
    Sorry for your marmande Bwfc07,

    They are indeed in bad shape! What did you do apart from repotting them, did you give them fertilizer or set them somewhere warmer then usual and what type of soil did you use ?
    They look kind of burn to me but with out knowing what they get before I might be totally wrong.
    I grow, I pick, I eat ...


    • #3
      I Repotted them in the same seed&cutting compost i used with all my other toms and there fine but there on the lottie in the G/H these have been on the kitchen windowsill since they where sownthis has only happened over the last 2days they do look like they have burnt i've just been feeding them about 50-70ml of water ever couple of days i must of murdered them in some way...Gutted


      • #4
        If young plant get several gloomy days continuously and then followed by a very sunny bright day, they tend to get burned (I had it before during march but it was not severe, just the tip of the leaves). Hope your babies recover but meanwhile don't over water them too as they don't like wet feet.
        Good luck.
        I grow, I pick, I eat ...


        • #5
          I've had exactly the same experience with these Toms, all the other varieties (Sub Artic, Moneymaker & Gardener's Delight) are all doing fine.

          All the above were treated the same, same cells to germinate, same position, potted in the same medium.

          Guess I'll avoid them in future
          I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


          • #6
            You might still be able to save them - I'd move them to somewhere with less direct sunlight (I agree - they look a bit cooked) and hold off the watering a bit. The one on the right of the picture certainly looks saveable but I'm not so sure about the other one.

            This is the first year I've grown Marmande and can't say that I've had these problems (yet!)

            Don't give up on them just yet


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