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tomato side shoots


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  • tomato side shoots

    My tomatoes are growing very well lots lush green leaves but not many flowers and only very few tomatoes a co-gardener told me to cut back the foliage to allow tomatoes and flowers to form is this correct (this is my first time at growing tomatoes)or is he just jealous of my lovely green leaves.
    can someone please advise

  • #2
    I think He's too far ahead with things Jobrac. Your tomatoes are not even all formed yet. Towards the end of the growing season when you are trying to get your tomatoes ripened then you can remove some leaves, starting from the bottom, to let the light in to them. For the moment I would keep your lovely green leaves. Hope they do well for you. My outdor toms are looking great. Plenty of fruit really starting to swell now, and a few starting to colour. Can't wait.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Maybe they meant for you to pinch out the side shoots for cordons.

      I've just been doing mine and, as usual, there were several just an inch or so long, but then one that was about 6 inches! How does that happen? You check them really carefully every time and you just know you got them all, but the next time you come along there's a huge one that you must have missed. Or maybe there are just some super-powered ones that can grow 6 inches in a day!

      Anyway, I've stuck it in a jar of water to root as an extra plant - or do you think it's getting a bit late for that? I suppose I've nothing to lose though...


      • #4
        Hi Foxhill,

        The side shoots will mature at the same time as the parent plant - sort of a memory type thing so you should be OK
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