During our 2 days of sun recently I noticed a few butterflies - how nice I thought until........... yes they have laid eggs on all my brasicca plants and the catterpillers are now having a whale of a time! Can't you tell that I am new to all this, what I used to consider were nice creatures I am now thinking of as pests. This will be one of many lessons I have learnt in my first year as a novice veg grower. Another will be that no you can't grow 50 tomato plants in a 6 x 8 greenhouse because yes they do grow bigger! How my other half gloats.
For next year I will use netting but can anyone advise me on the size of the holes ( or do the butterflies just stay away in fear of being caught)
For next year I will use netting but can anyone advise me on the size of the holes ( or do the butterflies just stay away in fear of being caught)