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Pesky Butterflies


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  • Pesky Butterflies

    During our 2 days of sun recently I noticed a few butterflies - how nice I thought until........... yes they have laid eggs on all my brasicca plants and the catterpillers are now having a whale of a time! Can't you tell that I am new to all this, what I used to consider were nice creatures I am now thinking of as pests. This will be one of many lessons I have learnt in my first year as a novice veg grower. Another will be that no you can't grow 50 tomato plants in a 6 x 8 greenhouse because yes they do grow bigger! How my other half gloats.

    For next year I will use netting but can anyone advise me on the size of the holes ( or do the butterflies just stay away in fear of being caught)

  • #2
    I found the netting that Wilkos sells keeps the butterflies off. It has a hole size of around 1/2".

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      I feel your pain after last night discovering dozens and dozens of little caterpillars on what's left of my lettuce after the slugs had their field day :-(

      Nat J


      • #4
        I guess that I will have lots to learn taking notice of the spacings detailed on the seed packets instead of thinking "what do they know supermarket veg doesn't grow that big"



        • #5
          I know that feeling too, went out to check on my Calabrese and the butterfiles had left loads of eggs and the catapillers had had a good gorge on them and we went to our local garden centre and got something to spray on those pesky things and so far so good no more of them and the plants seem to be picking back up too. Next year deffo going to be netting.
          Last edited by first time veg gardener; 04-08-2008, 12:55 PM.


          • #6
            On my fruit cage the main netting has about 1/2-3/4" holes and the butterflies just go through it with the mimimum of pause, that's how I lost all my broccoli last year.

            I now use the finer mesh sold as scaffold netting for the cloches I made for my brassica.
            Attached Files
            I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


            • #7
              Need to get some netting too, prayed all my cabbages about 2 weeks ago when I found some eggs and now have had to spray again as I found catties and eggs over most of the leaves... I might just decide not to grow brassicas next year
              The Weeds are Winning...

              Sleep just let me Sleep...


              • #8
                I use the pond netting that Wilko sell; it's black and has tiny holes that butterflies can't get through. I've secured it to a frame and have had no caterpillar problems for the two years I've been using it.

                Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


                • #9
                  No we have to carry on and be better prepared i'm sure that all the effort will be worth it. even though I have been shooing off butterflies all afternoon, my poor little girl now thinks butterflies are bad and is running aroung shouting GO AWAY BUTTERFLIES!


                  • #10
                    I'm in exactly the same boat. First year with patch, and every turnip/swedes/radish have caterpillars in there roots, and starting to get them on leaves as well. So, looking out for some cheap netting for next year.



                    • #11
                      I have loads of butterflies - consequently I am out there every night at 7 once children in bed and rub all the eggs and bugs off. I am finding less and less each day and not found any live caterpillars for ages. I do finds though that I am not so vigilent when it's raining and miss some! My PsB is in the flower beds front and back of the house so impossible to net. Next year I won't be putting them there again!



                      • #12
                        is it wrong that i smile and egg her on, when my kitten catches a white one that's eying up my caulis???


                        • #13
                          I got some netting that was half price from Wilkinsons on the weekend.
                          Best love




                          • #14
                            I get my puppy to chase them is that wrong??? Also last night we were checking them and a butterfly was on one of my calabrese and i caught it and pulled the wings off am i a bad person??


                            • #15
                              Oh, lovely - ladybird eggs. No they're not! Catapillar babies!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

                              Im having a terrible time with them eating my brussel sprouts! Its very annoying as they were doig so well. Is there nothing you can do apart from pick them off? I squished one on my finger by accident - and wiped it onto the compost heap. Nice. And yes, First Time Veg Gardener, you are a very bad person, poor little s*d


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