I am a very new gardener and I'm hoping someone can help me with a few things.
First, my beetroots look really ill and some have died off even though I have watered them every day and fed twice a week, they are in a prime position in the garden and have plenty of space. Any ideas?
My salad leaves have grown really well but have recently developed small holes. I have been told this is due to caterpillars. I've searched the leaves and can't find any.
Sadly my spinach was also growing very well but has recently developed brown spots which then turned paper thin and then to a hole.
Please help!
I am a very new gardener and I'm hoping someone can help me with a few things.
First, my beetroots look really ill and some have died off even though I have watered them every day and fed twice a week, they are in a prime position in the garden and have plenty of space. Any ideas?
My salad leaves have grown really well but have recently developed small holes. I have been told this is due to caterpillars. I've searched the leaves and can't find any.
Sadly my spinach was also growing very well but has recently developed brown spots which then turned paper thin and then to a hole.
Please help!
