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Onions from seed advice


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  • Onions from seed advice

    Hi everyone. Your opinions and advice if I may please.

    In mid October, I'm off for a short break to my house in France. I want to take some onion seeds with me and plant them out there for some good, homegrown veg next summer but my question is, how late can I plant them?

    I've Googled it and it seems that September is the time and I do have some started in trays for the allotment but I can't take these ones with me due to a lack of space in the car.

    Can I still plant in October? Is there something I can do to help them survive? Would I be better of with buying onion sets?
    Proud renter of 4.6 acres of field in Norfolk. Living the dream.

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  • #2
    Have a great time in France. It would certainly be a lot easier to grow your onions from sets. Whichever way, I hope they do well for you.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      If you're not going to be there to mollycoddle them, I would think that sets would be more robust? Less likely to get completely swamped with weeds! Or you could do both, if you've got space


      • #4
        I thought that onion seed was sown on the shortest day?

        I'd sow when you get there (sparingly!) in a seed bed, and then thin/transplant in the spring.


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