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If it were you....


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  • If it were you....


    I have finally managed to persuade OH that my veg patch is in need of an extension We have a bloke coming round on Friday to do us a quote for a few raised beds (and maybe a flower bed). HURRAH!!

    Now, if money / space were no object (space isn't, but the money pot has strict limitations!!) how many veg beds would be ideal?

    I was thinking four:

    1. Fruit - Blackcurrant, Redcurrant, Gooseberry, blueberry, Strawberry.
    2. Onions, Leeks, Garlic, Carrots, Beetroot, Turnip, Salad.
    3. Peas, Beans, Sweetcorn,
    4. The rest - Pumpkins, Courgette, Broccolli, Potatoes.

    So what do you think? What would be your ideal situation?
    keen but (slightly less) clueless

  • #2
    Don't get someone to 'quote'! Build your own.. If money is the only limiter then do it on the cheap (like the rest of us) and get more veg space for your £££. The most simple and FREE way would be simply to dig potager style beds ie keep the paths flat but dig the beds and raise them up with compost/manure/topsoil as available. They don't need sides and have the advantage for the beginner of being rearrangable. I use this system and it works very well. If you like, over time as money allows, you can give the beds a formal edging.
    The magnificent Snadger has posted some pictures of his arrangement here
    This might be worth a look??
    Personally, I would never pay someone to do anything I could do myself!!!!!!
    Good luck.
    Last edited by tootles; 10-09-2008, 08:24 PM.


    • #3
      Aye, my raised beds cost me £2.20 each, they are 1.2 m square. The wood came from Spondon reclaim yard at 50p each. With a box of screws, they were a bargain.


      • #4
        I'd say four is your minimum - five or six is handy for a four-year rotation of veg, plus one for fruit, plus one for perennial veg (artichokes, asparagus) - if that's what you want/like.

        Dwell simply ~ love richly


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