hi martini - like you I got the OH to do most of the donkey work in the first place (I did my best, but you know, the old bones ect - and yes, I do remember the pillowcases with an orange and a comic!!) but we managed quite well one saturday in january, it took me until easter this year to do the rest because of the weather!). I had help from my father in law as well. Actually, despite the, at least 10 year old back lawn and the 3 year old dog poo, after digging down and removing all that, the soil has proved to be quite good. I actually did put some pony poo down and dug that in (not quite as decomposed as I wanted) and then when I had divided it up into plots, put some chicken pellets from B&Q down and a bit of compost, everything has been coming up roses, or should I say, vegetables since. I never checked the soil for acidity but will do that next year just to check. maybe the dog poo helped? only JOKING! do let me know how you get on.