We failed at growing spring onions by direct sowing in mid-April at the plot last year - it was far too difficult to weed around them & they grew reeeeeeeally slowly.
We decided we'd try outdoor sowing in a pot at home this year & sow in mid-March - which we did. I had a few different packets of seed kicking around but decided to use the same type again for comparison. They're 'Evergreen Bunching' (from Fothergills).
Looking on 'tinternet', Allium Fistulosum (which these ones are) are a different beast to Allium Cepa. I was happy about this as my trawl of the net made me think that the fistulosum ones are what's known as 'Welsh Onions' that would essentially grow as a clumping perennial. I had dreams of growing a clump big enough to divide to have some on the plot/to share & a few at home for convenience.
So (to finally get to my point
), this year they've grown but they're still small/very thin - certainly not pickable.
Is this because they are 'Welsh Onions' & therefore should be expected to establish themselves more slowly, or have I completely got the wrong end of the stick?
I've not fed them with anything & they're just in a standard multipurpose compost so maybe I've just been too mean to them?
We decided we'd try outdoor sowing in a pot at home this year & sow in mid-March - which we did. I had a few different packets of seed kicking around but decided to use the same type again for comparison. They're 'Evergreen Bunching' (from Fothergills).
Looking on 'tinternet', Allium Fistulosum (which these ones are) are a different beast to Allium Cepa. I was happy about this as my trawl of the net made me think that the fistulosum ones are what's known as 'Welsh Onions' that would essentially grow as a clumping perennial. I had dreams of growing a clump big enough to divide to have some on the plot/to share & a few at home for convenience.
So (to finally get to my point

Is this because they are 'Welsh Onions' & therefore should be expected to establish themselves more slowly, or have I completely got the wrong end of the stick?
I've not fed them with anything & they're just in a standard multipurpose compost so maybe I've just been too mean to them?