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Is it too early to sow carrots undercover?


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  • Is it too early to sow carrots undercover?

    The Organic gardener wheel that i have suggests its ok to sow carrots undercover as early as January, so i've gone and done it. They are in a seedling tray in the greenhouse.
    Will they be ok do you think?

    I've sown peppers indoors and parsnips outside in rows in the veggie patch too!

  • #2
    Um ... carrots are a tap root. You can't grow them in seed trays.
    They need to be in pots that are a bit longer than the eventual length of the carrot
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      In answer to your 'is it too early' I don't see why it would be a problem undercover. They won't germinate if it is too cold anyhoo but might suffer if your soil is too cold and damp. Carrot seed is so inexpensive there is no harm in experimenting a bit.

      However, a seed tray is way to shallow for carrots and transplanting is not a good thing for them. You could sow into loo roll middles or into root trainers, or put them in a deep container or bucket at final spacings (closer if you want to harvest as baby veg)

      Good luck
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        That is strange. I germinated them in seed trays last spring and they did fine. I planted them out as soon as they had 3 leaves and i had hundreds of carrots from them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Batgirl View Post
          That is strange. I germinated them in seed trays last spring and they did fine. I planted them out as soon as they had 3 leaves and i had hundreds of carrots from them.
          Me too ! As long as they aren't in the seed tray too long, there's no problem.
          IMVHO, of course,
          Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


          • #6
            oooo lovely. Thanks for that


            • #7
              so how long do they stay in the seed tray?
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                i transplanted mine last year they did fine, as said earlier, moved them out of trays as soon as they had 2-3 leaves.

                this year i have sown them in tall newspaper pots so they can just go straight in the ground, two dozen were sown last week so if you are early so am I
                Last edited by BrideXIII; 17-02-2009, 06:59 AM.
                Vive Le Revolution!!!
                'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                • #9
                  Well, you may be right, but I would never waste my time sowing carrots into seed trays when they're so much happier being sown direct. You give yourself another job to do planting them out, plus risk forked or stunted carrots if you misjudge your timing...
                  I sow mine into flower buckets, slightly closer than the spacing recommended on the packet. Perfect carrots every time.

                  Anyway, I think it's fine to sow them from now onwards, but probably still too cold for them to do much outside unless you're in the south and have a good cloche


                  • #10
                    I planted some at the weekend in a big bucket in the greenhouse, fingers crossed eh? They have 2 chances
                    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                    • #11
                      How we organise our gardening time is different for everybody isn't it. Some of us have 'time to waste' sowing in seedling trays and i, for one, feel more organised doing it this way before i plant into my veggie patch later. It took less than 10mins and i reaped the rewards from last year so im happy doing it

                      I'm looking forward to seeing those shoots


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Batgirl View Post
                        The Organic gardener wheel that i have suggests its ok to sow carrots undercover as early as January, so i've gone and done it. They are in a seedling tray in the greenhouse.
                        Will they be ok do you think?
                        You are supremely confident that your carrots are OK in seed trays, so good for you.
                        How long will they be in them until you plant them out?
                        I live in Norfolk too, and my soil won't be warm or dry enough for carrots for another 2 months ...
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Confident? When it comes to veggie gardening.....oh no im not

                          Well I'm expecting shoots to appear within 20 days, so that'll be about mid March? Then give them time to grow a little to the 3 leaf stage so im guessing April time?
                          Last year i didn't sow them in trays until Mid march and they grew quite quickly undercover and planted them in my patch towards end of April. They did really really well.
                          So, yes, another 2 months i imagine

                          Who knows!


                          • #14
                            I sowed "Early Nantes 2" out in my raised beds last year, under coke-bottle cloches, and they were fine. This year it's been too cold and wet, though, so I've started some "Paris Market 4" (the stubby ones that came free with GYO) in guttering indoors, rather like you do with peas. As soon as they start showing a couple of true leaves I'll slide the whole lot into the outdoor bed. No idea how it will go, but I have about five varieties of carrot in my seed box this year so there's room for experimentation


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