I seem to be pottering around the garden lately and rather than getting one thing done I'm going from one to the other! So firstly do I:
Empty the greenhouse, put a floor down, put benches back in, put other panes of glass in, clear ground area of weeds
Clear brambles from around the side and back of greenhouse
Dig small bed area ready for planting
Clear shed so I can put gardening tools in there (on kitchen floor at the moment!), or the tools could go into the finishes greenhouse
Dig lawn and seed it now so it's ready for summer
Any ideas? What would you do first? They're all fairly big jobs. I'm leaning towards sorting the greenhouse first though so then I have somewhere for the tools and I can start sowing a few seeds, then whilst they're growing I can dig the beds out and let Mr G sort the lawn.
Empty the greenhouse, put a floor down, put benches back in, put other panes of glass in, clear ground area of weeds
Clear brambles from around the side and back of greenhouse
Dig small bed area ready for planting
Clear shed so I can put gardening tools in there (on kitchen floor at the moment!), or the tools could go into the finishes greenhouse
Dig lawn and seed it now so it's ready for summer
Any ideas? What would you do first? They're all fairly big jobs. I'm leaning towards sorting the greenhouse first though so then I have somewhere for the tools and I can start sowing a few seeds, then whilst they're growing I can dig the beds out and let Mr G sort the lawn.
