Lo all, I have some Beefsteak Tomato plants that were very leggy . I re potted them and to me they look O.K now but I would like a better opinion if someone could check the pic and tell me.

Also I put some ' baby leaf salad mixed ' in to a grow bag in the placie greenhouse and after a few weeks they are now shooting up nicely. Do I leave them in situe and thin them ( they are well crammed in now ) or do I try and pot some up. I would think babyleaf salad might be too small to pot up but I have no experience of them at all so could do with some advice, rather than wasting good looking seedlings.

Cheers Mas

Also I put some ' baby leaf salad mixed ' in to a grow bag in the placie greenhouse and after a few weeks they are now shooting up nicely. Do I leave them in situe and thin them ( they are well crammed in now ) or do I try and pot some up. I would think babyleaf salad might be too small to pot up but I have no experience of them at all so could do with some advice, rather than wasting good looking seedlings.

Cheers Mas