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Take a look over my baby leaf salad and tom pics please


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  • Take a look over my baby leaf salad and tom pics please

    Lo all, I have some Beefsteak Tomato plants that were very leggy . I re potted them and to me they look O.K now but I would like a better opinion if someone could check the pic and tell me.

    Also I put some ' baby leaf salad mixed ' in to a grow bag in the placie greenhouse and after a few weeks they are now shooting up nicely. Do I leave them in situe and thin them ( they are well crammed in now ) or do I try and pot some up. I would think babyleaf salad might be too small to pot up but I have no experience of them at all so could do with some advice, rather than wasting good looking seedlings.

    Cheers Mas
    '3000 volts says the ducks
    are mine foxey !'

  • #2
    The tomatoes look great! If it's baby leaf salad then I'd leave them as theya re and pull the leaves when you want.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      same as wot Capsid said


      • #4
        Great looking tomatoes :-) Mine haven't even broken the surface yet, but then I did only plant them a week ago so wouldn't expect them too


        • #5
          Toms look fab.

          Personally, I hate thinning out, so I wouldn't have tipped the whole pack of salad leaves in there
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            I think your Toms look great! I only just planted my seeds, hope they turn out as good as yours!


            • #7
              Just been looking at your toms .....soooo jealous!

              Well done

              "Did you ever walk in a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives."


              • #8
                Toms are fine.You'll be munching your own greens soon


                • #9
                  I planted the toms in propagators on the window sill about a month or so ago I think. They were appaently very leggey and on advice from here I took them from the seed trays and potted them up to their necks in it :P

                  I genuinely didnt know if they were o.k now or not , I have no real experience to compare.

                  Yes the 'whole' pack of seeds did all go in one grow bag with the top cut off ( well spotted that grape :P )

                  Two grow bags would have been better I can see that now but it was an experiment and I didnt even think it worthy of wasting two grow bags if thy were no good heheheh

                  Its like a mini raised bed as I cut the whole top off the grow bag and surrounded it with bricks. Dont ask me why just seemed a good idea lol
                  Last edited by ukmastiff; 20-03-2009, 05:40 PM.
                  '3000 volts says the ducks
                  are mine foxey !'


                  • #10
                    You could try potting up some of your salad seedlings (into cell trays if you have them), let them grow on for a bit and then plant them into your second grow bag. Just ease them out of the compost with the tip of a plant label or something similar. Or you could leave them as they are are, and make sure you eat them regularly so they don't overcrowd too much


                    • #11
                      MM , I have to admit not too sure whats in my mix . Knowing they were from TM , I just checked the catalogue and the only baby leaf mix is this one " Succulent spicy mix of Spinach, Mizuna and Red Mustard " thats probably what I bought as i like anything mustardy.

                      If they do transplant, I'd like to try and transplant a few but I was imagining they dont grow in to much of a plant
                      ( going by the name I thought they were more like dressing)


                      Last edited by ukmastiff; 20-03-2009, 06:32 PM.
                      '3000 volts says the ducks
                      are mine foxey !'


                      • #12
                        Red Mustard is a big thing (12" x 12") and tough as old boots. Two of mine have just come through the winter with no protection.

                        Really, for baby leaves you'd want them about 4" apart. If I were you, I'd be nipping out the weakest and leave the strongest to grow on. Don't bother transplanting, too much fiddle.
                        You can treat each plant as "cut and come again" anyway ... don't pull the whole thing, just nip off a leaf here and there to eat.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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