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Do you find a lot of hype surrounding some vegetable varieties?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sue View Post
    I agree,
    As for carrots, I had two tubs of carrots, Autumn King and D'Eysines Fat Carrots from Real Seeds. Have just harvested the last of them, every single Autumn King had root fly but the D'Eysines didn't, only a few had rotted, I think due to being near the edge of the tub where it has been getting hot in the recent sun it def wasn't root fly...

    Yes edge effects due to high temperatures can be significant in pots, especially if they are intercepting full sun. I have found that the temperature of the plastic on the inside of the pots, under such conditions, can be in excess of 40 C - this is enough to heat stress many plants, causing abnormal growth / stunting and die-off of roots. Shielding pots from intense sun with a newspaper wrap-around, secured with string, can help significantly.
    Last edited by GardeningMike; 05-04-2009, 05:56 AM.


    • #17
      The best seed recomendations are from places like this that arn't making a profit from the seeds and just say what they found - If someone wants you to buy there goods then they tell you what you want to hear.
      ---) CARL (----

      a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!

      now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


      • #18
        Just wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who has posted on this thread.

        Absolutely BRILLIANT advice and definitely a 'keeper'. I'll be coming back to this when our ground is ready to plant.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sue View Post
          I agree,
          As you go on growing you gradually find the varieties that are right for you and the occasional new one gets added to the list every year, last year rejects were the climbing courgette and the dreadful sub-arctic tomato. Last year I found the mini-green iceberg lettuce from T&M, which did really well, stood without bolting and was a good size for one person to eat over a few days.
          As for carrots, I had two tubs of carrots, Autumn King and D'Eysines Fat Carrots from Real Seeds. Have just harvested the last of them, every single Autumn King had root fly but the D'Eysines didn't, only a few had rotted, I think due to being near the edge of the tub where it has been getting hot in the recent sun it def wasn't root fly. I checked the Real Seeds catalogue and this isn't listed as a virtue so don't know if it was coincidence or not, the tubs were side by side. So they're on my list again this year.

          Hi Sue

          Have you fed that back to Real Seeds, I have found they are always interested in things like this!


          • #20
            And its an old thing. I've seen very old catalogs and flyers, letters and what nots advertising the value and attributes of seed.
            I suppose since man has been cultivating plants for food this has gone on. We do it with everything else, so why not seed?


            • #21
              Thanks Mike. I won't bother to try germinating any more of my White Lady beans - just two from 30 sown!


              • #22
                What makes me really cross is when a seed company vigorously promotes a variety, then two years later they drop it to promote a replacement. If the first variety really was the 'sweetest', 'tastiest', 'most blight resistant', then even if something better comes along surely it's still the second sweetest or whatever and still worth growing. But no, they drop it like a stone and it's never mentioned again. It makes you loath to grow any new varieties in case you love them and can never get them again.
                Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


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