Hello everyone, I have been reading your posts for awhile and have been sowing seeds and getting a veg patch ready. I have some questions though:
1. Is it ok to put my lettuce seedlings into raised beds now? and what protection from slugs should I use?
2. My leek seedlings are tiny - should I put them on into deeper pots or can they go in the ground yet (they are like thick needles at the moment)
3. I have managed to raise tumbling tom seedlings, but other varieties are taking an age to geminate - what is best technique for tomatoes?
I am sure I will have other questions and it is great to read through all of your posts. Thanks
1. Is it ok to put my lettuce seedlings into raised beds now? and what protection from slugs should I use?
2. My leek seedlings are tiny - should I put them on into deeper pots or can they go in the ground yet (they are like thick needles at the moment)
3. I have managed to raise tumbling tom seedlings, but other varieties are taking an age to geminate - what is best technique for tomatoes?
I am sure I will have other questions and it is great to read through all of your posts. Thanks
