First of all just want to say how helpful this site is - so much info and even 'daft' questions aren't laughed at - Great!
Inspired by 5 (!) hours of reading on here yesterday, I have today planted sweetcorn seeds in loo rolls (never heard of it until I read it on here last night and could only salvage 6 from the recycling box
) also planted chilli and pepper seeds and tomato seeds.
Last year I managed to grow courgettes(got loads), carrots(a few), potatoes(a fair few), tomatoes(a few), strawberries(not many), aubergine (none!), peppers (none!), Chillis (none!) dwarf french beans(a few). Grew them all in containers as haven't got round to digging out the area I'd like to use for growing veggies yet.
Anyway, this year I'd like to try growing a three sisters garden in containers with sweetcorn, climbing french beans and courgettes. My question is, do I plant all three in the same container? And if so, how big a container do I need, and how many of each plant? I've searched and searchhed to try to find the answers, and I know I need to plant the sweetcorn in a block because of pollination, but I can't find the exact answers I need. Any advice/help would be very much appreciated
J x
Inspired by 5 (!) hours of reading on here yesterday, I have today planted sweetcorn seeds in loo rolls (never heard of it until I read it on here last night and could only salvage 6 from the recycling box

Last year I managed to grow courgettes(got loads), carrots(a few), potatoes(a fair few), tomatoes(a few), strawberries(not many), aubergine (none!), peppers (none!), Chillis (none!) dwarf french beans(a few). Grew them all in containers as haven't got round to digging out the area I'd like to use for growing veggies yet.
Anyway, this year I'd like to try growing a three sisters garden in containers with sweetcorn, climbing french beans and courgettes. My question is, do I plant all three in the same container? And if so, how big a container do I need, and how many of each plant? I've searched and searchhed to try to find the answers, and I know I need to plant the sweetcorn in a block because of pollination, but I can't find the exact answers I need. Any advice/help would be very much appreciated

J x