At my own place, all I have sown / planted outside at the moment are strawberries, onions, broad beans, early peas, carrots and potatoes. The tunnel is planted up with toms, chillies, lettuce, CCA salad leaves, scallions, hispi cabbages, blackcurrant cuttings, chard, perpetual spinach, parsley clump and hanging basket strawbs. It is also home to the following babies - 1500 cabbages, 1000 cauliflower, 750 calabrese, 500 red cabbage, 50 chard, 50 perpetual spnach, 200 french beans, 200 runner beans, 60 cukes, 120 courgettes, 350 celeriac, 350 celery, 250 Florence Fennel, 500 Brussels Sprouts, 69 cukes.
At the posh walled garden, planted / sown outside are beetroot (three types), carrots, peas, broad beans, onions, new asparagus bed, potatoes, milan turnips.
At the "long term project" walled garden, all I have in are potatoes.
At the posh walled garden, planted / sown outside are beetroot (three types), carrots, peas, broad beans, onions, new asparagus bed, potatoes, milan turnips.
At the "long term project" walled garden, all I have in are potatoes.