Accepted way to grow a row of weed free carrots.. use spade to open V shaped trench, fill trench with compost and sow seed in compost.
OK thinks I, that sounds easy.
1. Marked out row, pushed spade in one spit depth, rock spade to make V trench, remove spade.. trench fills up with loose soil. Decide soil is too dry.
2. Use watering can to dampen soil, go and have cup of tea while water soaks in. Marked out row, pushed spade in one spit depth, rock spade to make V trench, remove spade.. soil now stuck to spade and trench infills with lumps of golfball size mud balls.
At which point it starts hissing down with rain.. I think someone up there is having a laugh at my expense
OK thinks I, that sounds easy.
1. Marked out row, pushed spade in one spit depth, rock spade to make V trench, remove spade.. trench fills up with loose soil. Decide soil is too dry.
2. Use watering can to dampen soil, go and have cup of tea while water soaks in. Marked out row, pushed spade in one spit depth, rock spade to make V trench, remove spade.. soil now stuck to spade and trench infills with lumps of golfball size mud balls.
At which point it starts hissing down with rain.. I think someone up there is having a laugh at my expense
