I bought a "grow your own potato" kit through gardeners world, it contained 2 black grow bags and some seed potatoes.
Whilst flicking through said GW magazine, I noticed an advert for other potato sacks where you keep adding soil as the plants grows, until the bag is full....
so I thought i would try this, so i now have plants started to poke through my soil in my turned down bags.
So, finally getting to my point
I have a question about adding the soil - do i just add another layer to completely bury the new shoots or just a little bit so the top is still poking out ??!
Im a major novice at the grow your own lark, so your guidence would be gratefully received

I bought a "grow your own potato" kit through gardeners world, it contained 2 black grow bags and some seed potatoes.
Whilst flicking through said GW magazine, I noticed an advert for other potato sacks where you keep adding soil as the plants grows, until the bag is full....
so I thought i would try this, so i now have plants started to poke through my soil in my turned down bags.
So, finally getting to my point

Im a major novice at the grow your own lark, so your guidence would be gratefully received
