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what's eating my strawberry leaves...


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  • what's eating my strawberry leaves...

    ..... and how do i stop it??

    just checked my strawberry plants and there's huge holes in the leaves where something has been munching away at them.. what can it be and how can i kill whatever it is??

  • #2
    Don't know but use SB Plant Invigorator.


    • #3
      what's one of those?


      • #4


        • #5
          thanks can i get it in all good garden centres (and wilkies)?


          • #6
            Not sure. I get mine online. I find it great on my tomatoes, chilli plants, brocolli, lettuce, aubergines, strawberries and runner beans.

            Keeps the pests away and is totally organic.

            My recent two purchases have been: SB Plant Invigorator and Plant Magic Catalyst Organic seaweed.

            Works a treat.


            • #7
              think i'll go to garden centre tomorrow to have a look, i'm worried about my strawberries now.. having plants is worse than having kids, at least if you want to check on the kids during the night you only have to walk into their bedroom, not wander up and down the bloody garden in your pyjamas


              • #8
                i found some of mine totally munched off! Turns out it was slugs! I put a couple of milk traps (same as beer but with watered down milk) down and it seams to have solved the problem for the mo!
                "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." - Aristotle (B.C. 384�322)


                • #9
                  Plant Viagra won't work against slugs and snails, which are the things chewing your leaves
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thecarnage View Post
                    Don't know but use SB Plant Invigorator.
                    I wouldn't use it on strawberries. It is a high nitrogen feed (good for leaf growth) but you want fruit on your strawbs... so use a high-potash feed instead.

                    The SB Plant Invigorator's active ingredient is Urea (chemical formula H2NCONH2) � an amide of carbamic acid or diamide of carbonic acid.

                    Save your money, and use your own wee
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      will the slug pellets i got work? the strawberries are in a planter and it's the highest leaves that are getting eaten.. can slugs get that far up? and if i use the slug pellets should i scatter them around the base of the planter?


                      • #12
                        I'd nestle a few pellets in the top of the planter. You can get more bird friendly organic ones from Growing Success available in all good garden centres....!


                        • #13
                          Makes you wonder....

                          Originally posted by ckfe View Post
                          will the slug pellets i got work? the strawberries are in a planter and it's the highest leaves that are getting eaten.. can slugs get that far up? and if i use the slug pellets should i scatter them around the base of the planter?

                          Makes you wonder if the little blighters have parachutes! Just how do they get to half the places you find them? I've picked them off the canvas of my gazebo several times although it's more fun to bat them from underneath and send them flying. The junior gardener usually picks any snails up gently and puts them in the no man's land down the side of house where they can roam free without harming anything important. He's nice boy, my youngest

                          I bought organic pet & child safe slug pellets from our local hardware shop. Seems to be working so far on my big strawberries in troughs, but it's harder keeping the slimeys off my alpines which are in a lovely glazed easy-access strawberry planter.


                          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                            I wouldn't use it on strawberries. It is a high nitrogen feed (good for leaf growth) but you want fruit on your strawbs... so use a high-potash feed instead.

                            The SB Plant Invigorator's active ingredient is Urea (chemical formula H2NCONH2) � an amide of carbamic acid or diamide of carbonic acid.

                            Save your money, and use your own wee
                            Quality knowledge Two_Sheds. So would you recommend SB Plant Invigorator on tomatoes then?


                            • #15
                              No, Carnage.
                              Nitrogen is for leaf growth (brassicas etc).
                              For fruit (strawbs, tomatoes etc) you need high potash/potassium.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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